Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

WOW. I’d love to know more on that. WOW
basically we found out about him because we found his youtube videos kinda bad but we were nice and had him as someone to sometimes talk to.. but then he ended up saying stupid stuff and we ignored him... then he claimed he had west nile to try and gain our sympathy, pretending to be his own girlfriend who was reporting him being sick in a coma (where and i quote, felt like he was in a nightmare where he couldn't escape, which was some of the proof that helped us discover he faked it because when you are in a coma you just wake up after a long while and not realize it)..... then he pretended to be an awful dude who was harassing us with weird porn pics or that the same girlfriend had a photo taken from her photo album, slowly shown who the faker was.. and arrested him in the middle of the night.. and we almost believed it until i realized that the criminal arrest report he showed us said they were arrested in the day when it was like.. 10PM for me...

look this guy had mental issues (he claimed he literally heard our voices in the profile pictures we had)... r/thathappened
basically we found out about him because we found his youtube videos kinda bad but we were nice and had him as someone to sometimes talk to.. but then he ended up saying stupid stuff and we ignored him... then he claimed he had west nile to try and gain our sympathy, pretending to be his own girlfriend who was reporting him being sick in a coma (where and i quote, felt like he was in a nightmare where he couldn't escape, which was some of the proof that helped us discover he faked it because when you are in a coma you just wake up after a long while and not realize it)..... then he pretended to be an awful dude who was harassing us with weird porn pics or that the same girlfriend had a photo taken from her photo album, slowly shown who the faker was.. and arrested him in the middle of the night.. and we almost believed it until i realized that the criminal arrest report he showed us said they were arrested in the day when it was like.. 10PM for me...

look this guy had mental issues (he claimed he literally heard our voices in the profile pictures we had)... r/thathappened
Oh my goodness. I hope everyone in your friend group is okay. That’s terrible.
I think this is part of what the lawsuit is about too. They are saying Cam made it seem like they are the same company when they aren’t.

None of the suit seems to make any sense. It also makes VMP board look pretty bad if half of what they are saying is true IMO.

It's been publicized that it was going to be a VMP pressing plant for literally years. The board only just noticed it a few months ago?!

Like you say, the lawsuit on its own is nonsensical and full of contradictions that make the VMP board look like idiots. Assuming Cam has good legal representation, I am very curious to see his response to this lawsuit.