Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

What do you mean? Where are things on sale?

@Ethos99 says one of his distributors has over 100 of their titles available.

Can't fault them for moving old merchandise. It looks like a way to get healthy.

I would like to sell more VMP titles but most are too expensive retail to retail. I have some but I feel like a flipper for needing to profit off of them.

VMP pressed too many copies of a lot of these titles. And many titles that werent begging for a repress..
Can't fault them for moving old merchandise. It looks like a way to get healthy.

I would like to sell more VMP titles but most are too expensive retail to retail. I have some but I feel like a flipper for needing to profit off of them.

VMP pressed too many copies of a lot of these titles. And many titles that werent begging for a repress..

They could have done a specific campaign à la Mobb Deep back in the days, like "buy a Sarah Webster record and we'll ship three of them"
Can't fault them for moving old merchandise. It looks like a way to get healthy.

I would like to sell more VMP titles but most are too expensive retail to retail. I have some but I feel like a flipper for needing to profit off of them.

VMP pressed too many copies of a lot of these titles. And many titles that werent begging for a repress..
I mean, they need to do what they need to do. This is just another thing that Bandbox did before they went belly up. The other thing and the thing that is more concerning to me is that they promised more transparency and have been less communicative.
I mean, they need to do what they need to do. This is just another thing that Bandbox did before they went belly up. The other thing and the thing that is more concerning to me is that they promised more transparency and have been less communicative.
Makes me wonder if they took a loss on the Comedy Store anthology. Almost from day 1 they seemed to be pretty much giving them away.
Makes me wonder if they took a loss on the Comedy Store anthology. Almost from day 1 they seemed to be pretty much giving them away.
It’s clear that they need an adult in the room. No idea who is on the board but there don’t really appear to be any in the room.

Maybe instead of doing an anthology, you do a Carlin or Pryor or Foxx or Bruce album as an exclusive to see how it does. I mean there’s a reason that Comedy albums aren’t hot sellers anymore.
It’s clear that they need an adult in the room. No idea who is on the board but there don’t really appear to be any in the room.

Maybe instead of doing an anthology, you do a Carlin or Pryor or Foxx or Bruce album as an exclusive to see how it does. I mean there’s a reason that Comedy albums aren’t hot sellers anymore.
I really wonder. They took money from VC guys, so usually that includes a seat at the board table. Unless they lucked out and got angel money from the one firm that is full of people who cannot read a basic ledger. But, since the pressing plant fiasco happened under the Board’s nose, it seems like that is the case.
It’s clear that they need an adult in the room. No idea who is on the board but there don’t really appear to be any in the room.

Maybe instead of doing an anthology, you do a Carlin or Pryor or Foxx or Bruce album as an exclusive to see how it does. I mean there’s a reason that Comedy albums aren’t hot sellers anymore.
If it was a Pryor or Carlin Anthology I might bite. But it is a various artists compilation with wildly varying sound quality, joke quality and suitability for vinyl. Lots of the stuff on it seems to be ‘sight gags’ and physical humour.
I do find it funny and not surprising that Matt came back, promised transparency then dipped while people found out about VMP stuff through other links and companies

In all walks of life, there are people who are 100% focused on something, and then after a break from it return with clarity about what worked the first time and what needs to change for it all to go better. There are others who are going to do it their way no matter what.

I'm in the pharma/biotech industry, and you regularly see CEOs who are incredible at raising money and getting a company's first product from clinical trials through to market. They turn out to be not so good at driving future revenue with that marketed product and taking the company to the next level with label expansion and/or multiple products. Presuming the company doesn't get bought out or ends up in bankruptcy while they're in charge, that CEO is usually ousted within a year or two before one of those things happens, anyway. It can be near-impossible to get back to being on top of the world if you get too far behind.

With the limited information we have, it's impossible to know for sure where Matt falls along those groups. That said, unless the Board was truly committed to only having him serve as a 6-month to 1-year interim CEO, it currently feels as if they're more likely to fail than succeed because he has no interest in acknowledging any of his failures (or, if you want to presume that email a few weeks ago was sincere, truly doing the necessary work towards fixing those flaws). All of the decisions they've made recently indicate belt-tightening and aiming for stability, but largely with the same attitude that got them to this point.
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