Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Really? I’m not sure why they’d be derided as a whole. I mean they have bad stuff occasionally I guess. Did they give any reason? Were any of the LPs ones you were surprised they didn’t want?
A lot of the ones that are routinely listed below $10 on discogs.

And you are right. Not as a whole, I just think their experience has been more to what TLK was talking about.
Their overly customer friendly policy with allowing the subscribers to keep defective copies is what makes me leery of buying VMP titles on the secondary market. There are lots of people looking to unload their defective copies on the secondary.
Not that any of my copies had glaring flaws, but sure a few of them had splits or mild warps. That was probably enough for them to just pass. I try to be upfront and even label some with the issues I had with them and leave it up to them.
but also why would you sign up for more than 3 months at this pricing and with the current curation? hah.

on the bright side, guess they solved their issue of overselling ROTMs! Just get rid of customers!
TBH I have worries my 3 preorders and remaining 3 months will never arrive let alone if I’d consider signing for another 12 months. Yes I’ve no choice but there was no way I’d risk 12 months on this company. Not a fucking chance
I know there’s more important matters in this thread. So uh does anyone have any news on the love supreme box? Would be nice to at least get it by Coltrane’s birthday in a few weeks…
Lol so I checked a few days ago. Said late August. Just checked my orders. Now late October. No email (at least that I saw). Nothing. Glad I pre ordered this, what? Almost 7 months ago?

Lol vinyl me, cheese
wait hold up that ELZHI IS AMAZING

You have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! I've been after that Abdul-Malik for agessss

I guess if you guys must have these unbeatable records it is worth joining using a referral code, just like this one….

Sorry… force of habit.
I need to read the email properly, but under my upcoming payment section of the membership page its swapped from my yearly sub to a 1 month sub. Is it AFTER the october ROTM that they will be dropping internationals or before?

The Abdul Malik would be a great one to leave on.
I’ve read the email a few times now and it is confusing. It says they are no longer offering memberships after October but will automatically cancel when your membership ends. As usual it is worded like a monkey.