Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

But it also makes downsizing difficult for them. Going back to three tracks will help, but smaller pressing numbers will make less projects feasible because of licensing cost as in sundaes case
I mean video guy was talking about having to do 20,000 copies and Sundazed is like 2000. I mean they say they have 20000+ subs or did until last week when they “fired” 15% as well as priced out whatever unknown percentage.
Besides asking if swilling cash on a new vinyl plant was the cause of all the current changes ….and being ignored - I just called @Murfocakes a Suck up. And then got told to be careful or I’d be banned.
He totally was too !
Yeah I was saying Storf and Pauly should get credit for dealing with the shitstorm. I think Paul is liked by all but those two guys have been thrown out front to defend every shitty decision for ages. No amount of money is enough for that kind of flack.
Sundazed had an email newsletter that went out today and featured a question about what gets (re)released. In light of discussions here, I thought this part was interesting:
"A big hurdle with reissues is that the rights to an overwhelming majority of the master recordings are controlled by just a few companies (Universal, Warner, Sony). Sometimes their minimums or prices are way out of line with what's realistic for a project. We have to agree to manufacture usually 2000 or more records for a release when usually, past sales from similar projects suggest 500 or 1000 are more realistic numbers. We've had a lot of times where we won't do something we love very much because we can't figure out how to break even on the project. The margins are extremely thin on major label licenses so breaking even is tough to get to and might take a while. There are tons of projects we know the market is dying for a reissue of (as are we), but we simply get told that we can't license that title or can't reorder that title anymore (we're getting low on Dock Of The Bay (hint hint, sigh). Generally it's because they want to do a version themselves, which we understand, but it'd be easier to swallow if they did indeed do them or do them sooner."

I think this above is part of VMP's issue with maintaining 5 tracks, cost issues, and ongoing curation woes. This was the same issue that hit Rubellan too.
Rubellan sent out a pretty big fuck you email about major labels IIRC. All these third party companies are being priced out. If your business model is multiple monthly records, you don't really have any strength in negotiations. If you don't get something in the time frame you need, you don't have a product. The majors know this. They also know that with something like IVC, they can pump out a pretty shit generic product and make $50 a pop because people are buying them.
Rubellan sent out a pretty big fuck you email about major labels IIRC. All these third party companies are being priced out. If your business model is multiple monthly records, you don't really have any strength in negotiations. If you don't get something in the time frame you need, you don't have a product. The majors know this. They also know that with something like IVC, they can pump out a pretty shit generic product and make $50 a pop because people are buying them.
This is definitely a negative development in the post Covid landscape. Rights holders like Craft and Rhino have treated customers right, whereas many others have not. I haven’t ventured to the IVC because it definitely seems like there’s no care whatsoever on pressing quality or other signifiers of audio quality.
This is definitely a negative development in the post Covid landscape. Rights holders like Craft and Rhino have treated customers right, whereas many others have not. I haven’t ventured to the IVC because it definitely seems like there’s no care whatsoever on pressing quality or other signifiers of audio quality.
well rhino depends on who you ask. the whole limited rhino hifi thing rubbed a LOT of people the wrong way. craft isn't without missteps either but they have put out a TON of quality product for good prices. i can't help but think that since Craft is friends with a lot of the VMP folks that they help them out a little bit on licensing costs in negotiating. i really think Craft was the company that was considering buying VMP.
well rhino depends on who you ask. the whole limited rhino hifi thing rubbed a LOT of people the wrong way. craft isn't without missteps either but they have put out a TON of quality product for good prices. i can't help but think that since Craft is friends with a lot of the VMP folks that they help them out a little bit on licensing costs in negotiating. i really think Craft was the company that was considering buying VMP.
Yeah, I’m aware of the Rhino HiFi numbered/unnumbered, I can’t flip my Black Sabbath now backlash. From a product standpoint, I don’t see what there is to complain about, though I have my first CS issue with the series now, so we will see (my Devo has a pressing defect).

Craft buying VMP would make a lot of sense has I think they have enough labels to keep it going and probably wouldn’t have an issue contracting with the smaller ones.
Yeah, I’m aware of the Rhino HiFi numbered/unnumbered, I can’t flip my Black Sabbath now backlash. From a product standpoint, I don’t see what there is to complain about, though I have my first CS issue with the series now, so we will see (my Devo has a pressing defect).

Craft buying VMP would make a lot of sense has I think they have enough labels to keep it going and probably wouldn’t have an issue contracting with the smaller ones.
I think after MoFi-gate, people are wary of labels lying to them in order to make sales, which sort of seems like it happened with the Sabbath stuff and then ZZ Top. I'm fine with them pressing more as I think more people should be able to get those pressings, but can see why people were upset.

Craft owns so much music in such a wide variety of genres that it's surprising a bit that they don't have a monthly sub already.