Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I still get promotional emails despite not being a member for a bit. Are...are things going ok over there? This seems like major damage control, considering how close to the vest they've seemed to be about delays in the past.

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new/old CEO promised more transparency and a lot of people have been complaining/asking about dates on when represses and some exclusive preorders were happening as some got pushed back. Many of these were going to be pressed at the VMP plant (that was also not their plant?) so have been shifted elsewhere and delayed.
I preordered the repress of Black Sabbath - Masters of Reality. If I cancel that are they as quick to refund me as they were to charge me? If getting a refund is a whole ordeal, I might just wait it out. Going from July to Sept to now November is not promising.
In the past they've been pretty good about refunds. I'm not sure how that works now they canned their CS department, but I've always had good experience cancelling preorders.
I preordered the repress of Black Sabbath - Masters of Reality. If I cancel that are they as quick to refund me as they were to charge me? If getting a refund is a whole ordeal, I might just wait it out. Going from July to Sept to now November is not promising.
they are typically quick to refund but unsure of how backed up CS is after they switched all the agents over. they seem to be really behind on stuff at the moment.
their actual savings is probably in reducing the amount of square feet of warehouse space they're paying for - my guess is by selling these to wholesalers, they no longer have to physically house the product and can reduce that footprint and see immediate savings. post covid, commercial warehousing space costs have gone up quite a bit from what i've been told.
Obvious, but good point made here. Why aren't VMP just slashing prices on these instead of having resellers doing it for them?

i'll whole-heartedly disagree on the "good point" being made in the post. pretty much none of it makes sense to me. this is like people saying "nike sneakers only cost $5 to make so why don't they sell them to me for $5??"

this is not the price that people will be paying. this is a distributor/wholesale price for record stores to buy from. look at the prices Chad and HHV are charging for the VMP stuff. It's pretty close to what VMP charges. People seem to forget that VMP's shipping + overhead is baked into these prices so they would be adding that onto the "wholesale" price if they were selling direct to customers in a big sale. It's a move that makes sense for them IMO. Reduce warehouse inventory (which costs a lot of money), move dead stock, open up a new customer base by selling at retail, etc. VMP's subscriber base has had at least 7 months to grab these titles and have not. they are not interested in them.
That sea of red on VMP's store drop scheduling tracker....that's good, right? Like all that overwhelming red means things are going great?
That sea of red on VMP's store drop scheduling tracker....that's good, right? Like all that overwhelming red means things are going great?
What does it mean if something is NOT on the tracker? I have pending orders for Magic Potion and Jolene, and I don't see them on this
i'll whole-heartedly disagree on the "good point" being made in the post. pretty much none of it makes sense to me. this is like people saying "nike sneakers only cost $5 to make so why don't they sell them to me for $5??"

this is not the price that people will be paying. this is a distributor/wholesale price for record stores to buy from. look at the prices Chad and HHV are charging for the VMP stuff. It's pretty close to what VMP charges. People seem to forget that VMP's shipping + overhead is baked into these prices so they would be adding that onto the "wholesale" price if they were selling direct to customers in a big sale. It's a move that makes sense for them IMO. Reduce warehouse inventory (which costs a lot of money), move dead stock, open up a new customer base by selling at retail, etc. VMP's subscriber base has had at least 7 months to grab these titles and have not. they are not interested in them.

The more I see it the more I see a company about to get sold.
I don't see it that way really (definitely a possibility though). The more I see, the more I just know they got royally fucked by Cam + Co + pressing plant debacle and are now just cutting dead weight to try to right the ship financially. It's probably too late, but who knows.
They were definitely trying to be sold and it would appear that interested party from before is interested again from the legal filings the other week.