Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

This. You can build a great dead box for a fraction of the price. The “podcast” is bad but also free to access if you really want it.
Everything in the Dead box is, or has been within the past few years, readily available in great quality. The regular catalog releases are Bellman cuts that are the original tapes through the plangent process and are great reissues. The Mofis of the main two studio albums are reasonably available and the Rhino Hi Fi American Beauty is fantastic. There is no reason to get the box. You can find all 8 albums for probably around $250-300 if you try.
Since the 1 thing I know I'd get with the Impulse code is excluded. Any ideas what to use a 40% code on? Was thinking maybe one of the repressed essentials like Charles Bradley but open to ideas
Everything in the Dead box is, or has been within the past few years, readily available in great quality. The regular catalog releases are Bellman cuts that are the original tapes through the plangent process and are great reissues. The Mofis of the main two studio albums are reasonably available and the Rhino Hi Fi American Beauty is fantastic. There is no reason to get the box. You can find all 8 albums for probably around $250-300 if you try.
I think the issue at the time was that Europe 72 was a bit difficult to track down and Without a Net hadn’t been issued at the time (assuming Warfield RSD was the sub for Reckoning). But yeah. It seems pointless now given everything is on general release. And the first press was plagued with QC issues.
I think the issue at the time was that Europe 72 was a bit difficult to track down and Without a Net hadn’t been issued at the time (assuming Warfield RSD was the sub for Reckoning). But yeah. It seems pointless now given everything is on general release. And the first press was plagued with QC issues.
Yes, Without A Net and Reckoning were the tough ones to get at the time of original release (even though you could have gotten older reissues within what this box cost). Europe 72 has repeatedly gone in and out with fairly frequent repressings. To be fair, some of us thought it was pretty pointless when it was released, but it’s even more so now. I thought it was a confounding release.
I think the issue at the time was that Europe 72 was a bit difficult to track down and Without a Net hadn’t been issued at the time (assuming Warfield RSD was the sub for Reckoning). But yeah. It seems pointless now given everything is on general release. And the first press was plagued with QC issues.
I made my own box with the help of people here. It wasn’t hard to find Europe 72. I didn’t do the entire box title for title. Spent something like $200 less and got the whole day of the dead box as well.
Yes, Without A Net and Reckoning were the tough ones to get at the time of original release (even though you could have gotten older reissues within what this box cost). Europe 72 has repeatedly gone in and out with fairly frequent repressings. To be fair, some of us thought it was pretty pointless when it was released, but it’s even more so now. I thought it was a confounding release.
People are lazy. Getting an AAA box in one go without needing to track down separate titles or waiting on sales is appealing to some people.
I’ll stand by what I said at the time. It’s a good set. A lot of it gets spun pretty regularly. But, while I’ve zero regrets about buying it, in hindsight it not go that route again. I’d DIY a set.
It's a really nice looking box and I do kind of wish I had it just for that reason, but I'm glad I cancelled it when Reckoning and Without a Net got a wide repress. Like @MikeH said, it can be kind of nice to just get them all in one place knowing they're good cuts, but no need now with how good the regular releases are. Plus if you buy the Barnes and Noble versions you can still get them on colored wax if you care about that for cheaper than the box.

Either way, I think it's a nice set if you don't already have what's in it and can get it at a discount. Otherwise I don't see much of a point anymore.