Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

So is it too late to ask for a refund on five pending orders I have with them? Maybe,

I hope at some point they liquidate some assets to offer refund on existing orders they are yet to fulfill, but I doubt that is a priority.
So is it too late to ask for a refund on five pending orders I have with them? Maybe,

I hope at some point they liquidate some assets to offer refund on existing orders they are yet to fulfill, but I doubt that is a priority.
When they start liquidating assets, refunds to customers will be the very last priority. They’ll have to pay their investors and creditors first.
So is it too late to ask for a refund on five pending orders I have with them? Maybe,

I hope at some point they liquidate some assets to offer refund on existing orders they are yet to fulfill, but I doubt that is a priority.
That is….not what will happen. Creditors will get paid before they give refunds to customers.

I’m keeping orders that were fully funded by referral credits and I bought the Dead box with some cash and last of the referral money yesterday. If they go under before the fulfill it, I should be covered by my CC for a bit on that.
Is it too risky to order things that are in stock at this point?

Thinking about grabbing the last few classics I'm missing for the 35% off.
If you’d be okay taking the risk of never getting refunded or your order if they go under, then sure. It is clearly a big risk as my first thought is that this sale is just to get money in the door to try to make it another day, week, or month.