Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Sabbath was my first and with everything that's happening at VMP it's kinda fitting that in two weeks the Rhino HiFi version is coming out and I'll likely finally be getting rid of the VMP KPG.

I almost signed up with that but resisted for another month or so for Pinkerton. I did get the sabbath and it sounds fine so I'm not upgrading
I almost signed up with that but resisted for another month or so for Pinkerton. I did get the sabbath and it sounds fine so I'm not upgrading
It does sound good, it's the best sounding of all the various newer releases of that album that I've heard. Though I know some of the older presses will smoke it. Like the NEMS JP press etc...
If I had night mather money I'd upgrade
NIGHTMather doesn't have any money, that fucker spends MY money. Although I will say to this date I have never had something show up that I don't remember ordering. @marshall had that happen this week, but thankfully NIGHTMarshall has good taste.

But who knows. It might not be better in the end. But I'm guessing it is just going by the other Rhino Hifis. The jacket will certainly be nicer than the cheap VMP one.
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This right here for me. Started with Moby Play and left right before Covid. Got remarried and funds went elsewhere. I sure miss those deliveries of huge cardboard boxes of black gold. I really miss the build up of what the ROTM was going to be. These Guess Me Please. All the back and forth about the album. I was introduced so soo much music back then. Good times.

I popped into VMP & eventually the Forum at a great time although the second pick (Nada Surf) was a struggle for me - Sold that to a forum member IIRC, pre Pay it forward days of course :).

Those days guess threads were fun - I was largely clueless although called Demon days. Also recall Well Fargo release being utterly impossilbe to Guess !

Did our RoTM die ? I zoned out a lot last year and can imagine that got hard to continue.

I wonder if a digital version would be fun but less pressure on the pick - Might not have the same wow factor if not purchasing the Vinyl.... plus i might be wrong about the N&G RoTM dying...
I popped into VMP & eventually the Forum at a great time although the second pick (Nada Surf) was a struggle for me - Sold that to a forum member IIRC, pre Pay it forward days of course :).

Those days guess threads were fun - I was largely clueless although called Demon days. Also recall Well Fargo release being utterly impossilbe to Guess !

Did our RoTM die ? I zoned out a lot last year and can imagine that got hard to continue.

I wonder if a digital version would be fun but less pressure on the pick - Might not have the same wow factor if not purchasing the Vinyl.... plus i might be wrong about the N&G RoTM dying...

Yeah given the size of the forum and the number of always active forum people it kinda petered out over the last year as the most active had all picked twice. It ended a month or two ago