Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Saw this on RecordSafari's IG today. VMP donated records to those who lost collections in the L.A. fires
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That's gotta be more than 500 records, right? I moved 2500 two years ago and I don't think I did five pallets. Please tell me I don't have seven pallets of records in my office now. The wife would see that in...a negative light.
Probably not very much. I don’t think the record safari thing is a 501c3. Still a nice gesture even though yall are cynical about it 😂.

Also I don’t know shit about shit for a business writing off donations to something that isn’t a charity so 🤷
Being a tax deductible donation only matters when the business has actual taxable net income to deduct against.