Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Their doing away with grandfathered month-to-month will likely be the final nail in the coffin for me. Now I'm faced with the decision to cancel immediately after cashing out some credit I have, or riding on until I hit a month where the picks aren't appealing and the swaps suck. I'd give that 3 months max. I just don't think they will every get me to drop $80 for one pick I want and 2 months of speculation. Maybe if they'd shown any amount of consistency themselves I could have more faith, but that isn't where I'm at. I guess labels/locals will be seeing more of my money and I can't feel bad about that!

TLDR: Once again, VMP, you are making poor decisions that only serve to irritate your base. F U.
I'm very torn on preordering the new Grimes (from anywhere, not talking VMPs exclusive in particular). In my opinion, Visions is one of the best albums of the decade and then Art Angels was not my style at all. I was shocked to see Art Angels in the top 10 (I think) of a bunch of top album of decade lists instead of Visions. That totally blew my mind. So here I am, we have one single off the new one which sounds darker and closer to the Visions style, but what if the rest is like the plasticy Art Angels stuff. Oh, the struggle is real …