Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Ok, so can any of you business folks provide an example of a company going through a similar situation that DID rebound?
Most rebounds were generally due to being bought out by another group.

Mobile Fidelity's bankruptcy, acquisition by Music Direct, and subsequent revival is one example.
The folks who dig a business into a hole are very rarely the same ones who dig the business out of it.
Does the Ringo Lam City On Fire situation knock any points off of Reservoir Dogs for you at all?
I mean, yes and no. Yes in the fact that a few scenes are blatant ripoffs of Lam's work. But no in the sense that it is pretty much a hallmark in all Tarantino films that he "borrows" heavily from other films and calls it "paying homage". I think if I took the stand that his appropriation of scenes and plot lines knocks points off, I'd pretty much have to discredit most of his films (Kill Bill via Lady Snowblood, etc etc.).

But I do love these discussions you start up @Dead C. They are always interesting and engaging. Do any of the Tarantino's other works lose points with you because of this? Sincerely curious.
Ok, so can any of you business folks provide an example of a company going through a similar situation that DID rebound?
Some companies operate like this for ages, but it usually is more of a utility that has a lack of competition (Cable companies, airlines, power companies). But VMP is a luxury product so don't hold your breath.

When it comes down to a company like this bouncing back, it usually requires a change a leadership. Either through a board forcing it's hand, or a buyout. Either way, I think until we see a new C-Suite in house, this ship will continue it's course. And given that Matt Fielder is also the listed CEO of the VC which owns VMP, I don't think we'll see a boarding forcing a change in leadership.

At this point, we should be hoping for a buyout instead of shutdown. But honestly, because VMP is the 4th largest record seller it might be hard to buy them out. It would certainly make whomever buys them out a distance #1 record seller in the world. Some companies might not want to take that volume or expense on.
Holy shit. That was a read!!

Wow they're really falling apart fast. Seems like they need more money and ALOT more time, but I wonder if they had it.....what would they do with more???

Happy I got out of there a few months back. Otherwise I'd be out here like Big Worm when he found out Craig n Smokey smoked his shit.

Actual picture of "the fellas" leaving VMP offices this morning