Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I'm still holding down whatever the fake percentage is of people with unfilled/no tracking.
Same. Well, I have tracking on a replacement for damaged Caribou from 6 weeks ago, but nothing else. Maybe they are all in that package. I know that's been happening to people. I did try emailing again and got the same canned BS response I got 2 weeks ago. Good times. On another note, I honestly don't care any more, so they've won at beating that out of me at least.
Just catching up on all going on, just finished another round of law schools finals and can now be a regular human again. It worries me how many people are receiving their order without any notice. I just left Austin to come home for the holidays and I won’t be back for a few weeks. Without tracking I would have no idea when to ask someone to come and pick up the package and it’ll rain throughout the break, so I am almost guaranteed to have a fucked copy of Aretha and BB, two of the records this year I actually really wanted. Figured this was as good a place as any to vent, but I don’t know if I will resubscribe. Collecting records is a fun hobby, VMP has caused me more stress than it is likely worth. Hopefully they figure their shit out but I may be done after my sub runs out