Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I'll just leave this here:

You think!?!
I'll just leave this here:

I got it too.

This is their reasoning behind the 26 record boxes. Has anyone here ever worked in a fulfillment center? I’m still not sure how this happens.

Due to human error in a new process at the warehouse, some orders that were intended to go to multiple people, were instead put into a single box and shipped to a single person. The result is some people getting things they didn’t order, others getting tracking emails that show their order going to the wrong address.
Maybe in the way the picks were done and assigned. Human error probably means they were manually manipulating the orders instead of the system issuing tickets.
I'll just leave this here:

At least they took some responsibility...
No one took responsibility. It is signed "VMP Team". Not a single person was willing to take personal responsibility.
I'll just leave this here:

Things I like about this:
- They have added customer service people
- The internal "action response team" seems like a good idea
- Fairly transparent about the issues at hand
- Recognizing the need for better & more communication

Things I would have liked to see:
- The lack of a benefit/coupon/discount/credit/etc, like Joe Mac mentioned
- Could have been more specific about how they will prevent this from happening ever again
No one took responsibility. It is signed "VMP Team". Not a single person was willing to take personal responsibility.

Not only that you take responsibility when something happens, not 2 fucking months later. You take responsibility by actions, not just words. They've put out such a sanctimonious, narcissistic message here that offers no solutions or gestures at all.
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No one took responsibility. It is signed "VMP Team". Not a single person was willing to take personal responsibility.
I would interpret using "VMP team" as everybody owning some responsibility - from the management decisions that kicked off the whole rotten chain of events, to the "human error" in the warehouse, to the inability of CS to respond in a timely fashion, etc etc...

But I get where you're coming from too - the CEO signing it would have been nice to see.
Where is the actual sorry? Or the olive branch?

I’m a member of another, much smaller, club and they fucked up royally last year. They gave every member a free record to say sorry. Now I get that 30,000 free records is a lot but a discount? A few represses to give some good records for swaptions? something, anything, other than just we are still fucking working on it!

They did send out 30,000 free records. However your free record was sent to someone else
I'll just leave this here:

This comment in no way restores my faith in VMP's ability to run their business, but it does help me respect them just a little more than I did yesterday.

Now if they actually make changes, I'll respect them more. But I need some action before trust in any form is awarded.
Where is the actual sorry? Or the olive branch?

I’m a member of another, much smaller, club and they fucked up royally last year. They gave every member a free record to say sorry. Now I get that 30,000 free records is a lot but a discount? A few represses to give some good records for swaptions? something, anything, other than just we are still fucking working on it!

They could clean out that old inventory by giving free records! You know the inventory they just can seem to move like Torres or Big Bill Broonzy. Or half the shit they normally have for swaps.