Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Final record from the oversell says refund pending. Still never got a Comet is Coming replacement but did get a Jinx replacement.

All outstanding orders (minus Grae) show as shipped with tracking. I guess I'll count my blessings.
Yeah Mionyl is a fairly significant influencer in the vinyl community. No doubt the stories she posted will cause people to become aware of the subreddit and possibly unsubscribe.
Just like the saying "it only takes one bad experience" it also only takes one person of significance to nudge the domino. Gee, who could not have seen this coming? VMP...continue to ignore their strongest customer base (you know...the REPEAT customer) won't go unheardwon't be ignored.jpg
Her IG story mentions her dissatisfaction. So far she's apparently declining to tag VMP directly. She mentioned something about not wanting to tag them because she doesn't want to get a resolution based on her following and wants to see how long it'll take if they're treating her like everybody else.
Her email snapshot made it clear who the company was.
If I remember well, they did pretty good job in 2015 with J-Dilla and last year with the missprint of Queen.
This is where our opinions differ.

The problem with Donuts was early in VMP history, so I can understand where they were going through a learning process as far as quality control. The problem with Queen was recent and showed they did not learn.

Good customer service is the entire life cycle of the transaction, from the time an item is ordered, the manufacturing of the product, ensuring it is defect-free, and then shipping it to the customer. Simply not giving a damn and using the customer as the QA person shows they have not learned from mistakes.

Or more likely, it shows they don't care, likely from an actuarial perspective.
And my sympathies ebbed during the shutdown of the last forum when Paul repeatedly made it clear that all of the commentary he was giving was voluntary and of his own volition. He happily makes himself the whipping boy, and my sympathy has mostly given way to pity.

Were we able to tell if he was blinking in morse-code asking for help?

Look, at the end of the day, Pauly is a low level employee who probably just wants to keep his job. People do worse things for money than allowing themselves to be "the whipping boy"
This is where our opinions differ.

The problem with Donuts was early in VMP history, so I can understand where they were going through a learning process as far as quality control. The problem with Queen was recent and showed they did not learn.

Good customer service is the entire life cycle of the transaction, from the time an item is ordered, the manufacturing of the product, ensuring it is defect-free, and then shipping it to the customer. Simply not giving a damn and using the customer as the QA person shows they have not learned from mistakes.

Or more likely, it shows they don't care, likely from an actuarial perspective.

I actually get another vibe off them. Slapdash. I think there is a high degree of laziness in the curatorial/editorial wing of that company.
I chatted a bit with Mio yesterday. She is PISSED at VMP. And rightly so. She's apparently been dealing with issues way longer than just the migration. I pointed her in the direction of the reddit sub, and she couldn't believe how bad it was. She wasn't aware of the other issues
Same here. She asked me my experiences and I told her and she gave me a bit of her issues. Absolute car crash
No, you're right about how he probably sees it. I don't know if you were around/following along during the meltdown of the last forum, though; there he was asked repeatedly to please stop interjecting his version of events on the behalf of his bosses, but he was pretty committed to the bit. So many of the VMP staff have made it clear, time and time again, that going on social media to defend the company is NOT part of their job description and not something they're required to do. But he does it repeatedly, biffs it repeatedly, and a good leader would, at a certain point, step in and put a stop to it. But they don't.

Well that's because they don't have a good leader. I think that much is obvious. Fiedler is going to run the company into the ground eventually. My hope is just that someone swoops in to buy them out before that happens

Edit: Following up on this, would anyone ever be interested in a MoFi subscription/RotM type service?