Well-Known Member
Saw that apology email. Makes me think the ship is sinking fast if they’re resorting to finally acknowledging what they’ve been trying so hard for months to minimize and ignore. Maybe allow people to post comments on your IG posts again and I’ll believe that you’re making communication a priority with your little task force.
I work for a very large company and we all had training on something similar called “net promoter score” with customers who were “promoters” vs. “detractors.” I was excited about this push since I actually had meetings regularly with external clients and heard a lot of their frustrations with our business. But leadership got real cute with how they interpreted “customer” and decided that our only real customer was the finance dept, because they gave us funding to hire employees, and all of our clients signed contracts with the larger business, not with our team specifically. It’s some real bs.
That would be a fun little stat next to everyone’s avatar - just the number of people who have them on ignore haha.I wonder if anyone has me on ignore.
It's intriguing.
Now it's the only thing I want to know in the entire universe.
I’m not sure “marriage immunity” applies when she’s actively posting things publicly and directing them at a wider audience. It’s not like anyone is commenting on her relationship or any kind of personal attack on her. This isn’t a Baron Trump situation - she’s an adult who chose to get involved in the conversation. Wouldn’t it be condescending for us to think that being a wife or a mom means you’re too fragile or blindly irrational for people to respond critically to your public statements?I can’t knock a spouse for wanting to believe the best in her partner and support the mission that puts bread on their table, as well as feeling some protective instincts against what must feel, from her POV, like the barbarians at the gate. The only reason any of us saw this message is because we sought it out. She’s a non-actor in this drama, and although it’s certainly eye roll-worthy in some respects from where we sit, I don’t personally feel like it’s totally in bounds for our forum to put her on blast.
I attended a conference once whose premise was teaching a couple of key concepts.
The average consumer only tells a few people about their experiences with a product or service.
When someone feels they have had a great experience or are ecstatic with their purchase whether it be quality/value/price they may become a “brand ambassador” and tell anyone that will listen.
On the other side of the coin, an extremely dissatisfying experience may create “brand assassins”. They too will communicate their negative experience, which today with social media is very easy.
My take on all of this? VMP has created a posse of assassins, and they continue to supply them with ammunition.
I work for a very large company and we all had training on something similar called “net promoter score” with customers who were “promoters” vs. “detractors.” I was excited about this push since I actually had meetings regularly with external clients and heard a lot of their frustrations with our business. But leadership got real cute with how they interpreted “customer” and decided that our only real customer was the finance dept, because they gave us funding to hire employees, and all of our clients signed contracts with the larger business, not with our team specifically. It’s some real bs.