Again, that doesn't explain what telling you they've received death threats accomplishes. It is not going to solve the problem. It should not stop anyone for criticizing their lack of ability to do their jobs well. I only see it as an attempt to get sympathy for something none of us are responsible for. I think they should handle all death threats seriously and I think they should respond to people personally attacking them in an appropriate fashion as well.
At the same time, the way they have handled the FB page speaks volumes to me in the context of what you have said. Did you ask anything about why it has been run the way it has? Did them receiving death threats make them unable to moderate the group? Did the fact that they took criticism personally make them decide to allow all the sycophants harassing the "complainers" to keep going about their business? This is the most recent "community" that they have been "running" and it is possibly the worst shithole I've ever participated in. And the fact that they basically acknowledged that the forum being "paused" to resume in a new form at a later date was a lie is my main takeaway from what you said about ways they are looking to build community in the future.
Do I want a new forum from them? Of course not. I don't know if I will ever want anything from them again. But that's not due to bitterness, it is a direct result of them running the majority of things I've experienced from them so badly that I don't know what would make me overlook that in the future to do business with them again.