Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Soooooooooo, I got Woodstock last month. This month I cancelled both my add ons and just got Stevie. My swaps closed two hours ago and my RHH just switched from SnP to... Woodstock again. Now... It's probably just the visual glitch but... Do I resub just in case?

Yeah i am in this same boat too. Reverted to last months swaps. I am afraid to say anything because i wouldn't mind another Woodstock box. I remember people having a similar issue last month and they ended up getting fixed once all the charges came through.
So.. some good VMP news?


It seems as though Elli has taken it upon herself to be my saving grace, at least for the most recent issue. I emailed on top of the past ones about the added tracks disappearing and got an immediate response from her saying there was an issue with swaps and to contact again in the morning if it was still an issue. I replied saying I would do so but to clarify it was an issue with the processed order and attached screenshots showing just Stevie without the other tracks. She responded a bit later saying she had checked it out and made sure that everything is good to go not only with The Stooges but also Mr. Hands.|

Doesn't absolve VMP as a whole for the frustration and days of ghosting around the swaps issue but it feels nice to have someone actually read this issue and do their best to resolve it. If everything gets confirmed that those are locked in I'll be content for now. Relieved to have a point of contact moving forward and seemed in poor taste to dig up the issue with her when she's doing what she can to solve this one. Deluxe Splatter Black Pumas is on its way from my local record store anyway at this point, and I'll just Men in Black flash the memory of clicking on Demon Days for an hour from my mind.

Now let's hope the next swaps day is a functional, accessible affair. It's not going to be is it?
Here is a reminder to double check your swaps EVEN IF YOU HAD NO ISSUES INITIALLY!

My essentials swap to Ofege went through without a problem and has been locked since Tuesday, and I did not get one of those curated swap emails this week. This evening I thought I might check if anything had been added to swaps on another track, but when I logged in my account showed that I was slated to receive Stevie in Essentials! I was able to re-swap for Ofege.


Thanks for the reminder! My essentials reverted to The Stooges so I “swapped” back Stevie. VMP may need to offer you communications work!

Calling it now: next month, people (myself included) are going to be understandably pissed off when the white stripes reverts to Stevie nicks at the last second and the white stripes is sold out/unswappable. It’s like I can see the email from VMP now “demand was unprecedented and we had no way of seeing this coming...”
The Quality™ 💍 Vinyl Me Please first customer experience ⭐:
  1. Be enticed by a "one month free" promotion into signing up for 3 months
  2. First month swaps open, add two tracks in anticipation
  3. Swaps open and are broken, told to "contact support to proceed"
  4. Send in a manual request for the swaps that are there
  5. Receive an immediate response saying that swaps will work soon and have the request ignored
  6. Spend an hour clicking on a button and getting errored back into a page telling you to Join Up
  7. Send another email
  8. Stay up waiting for a response and watch all the other exclusives leave the swaps
  9. Give up and go to sleep
  10. Send email the next day summarizing it and submitting the request again
  11. Wait four days
  12. Receive an automated email at 1pm EST saying the request couldn't be processed
  13. Finally give up and go to decide what swaps to make before they shut at 4pm EST
  14. Swaps instead close randomly at 1:30PM EST locking you into the defaults
  15. Your additional tracks are now gone completely
  16. Be greeted by a "Success! Your May order has now processed." message.

I would but have a number of orders from the store backed up still from the month before this. Honestly more tempted to throw up a "" website charting the experience as it happens. It's been a long time since I saw such consistent, consecutive fuck ups at this level.

If you cancel, you still get your old orders. Plus, I feel like they'll message you before anything happens. When you click cancel, it asks why and has a comment section. Explain that you want your money back, because of your experience.


General info, since it looks like your situation got worked out
The Quality™ 💍 Vinyl Me Please first customer experience ⭐:
  1. Be enticed by a "one month free" promotion into signing up for 3 months
  2. First month swaps open, add two tracks in anticipation
  3. Swaps open and are broken, told to "contact support to proceed"
  4. Send in a manual request for the swaps that are there
  5. Receive an immediate response saying that swaps will work soon and have the request ignored
  6. Spend an hour clicking on a button and getting errored back into a page telling you to Join Up
  7. Send another email
  8. Stay up waiting for a response and watch all the other exclusives leave the swaps
  9. Give up and go to sleep
  10. Send email the next day summarizing it and submitting the request again
  11. Wait four days
  12. Receive an automated email at 1pm EST saying the request couldn't be processed
  13. Finally give up and go to decide what swaps to make before they shut at 4pm EST
  14. Swaps instead close randomly at 1:30PM EST locking you into the defaults
  15. Your additional tracks are now gone completely
  16. Be greeted by a "Success! Your May order has now processed." message.

I would but have a number of orders from the store backed up still from the month before this. Honestly more tempted to throw up a "" website charting the experience as it happens. It's been a long time since I saw such consistent, consecutive fuck ups at this level.

if you do decide to put up a website charting your experience may I suggest...
The Quality™ 💍 Vinyl Me Please first customer experience ⭐:
  1. Be enticed by a "one month free" promotion into signing up for 3 months
  2. First month swaps open, add two tracks in anticipation
  3. Swaps open and are broken, told to "contact support to proceed"
  4. Send in a manual request for the swaps that are there
  5. Receive an immediate response saying that swaps will work soon and have the request ignored
  6. Spend an hour clicking on a button and getting errored back into a page telling you to Join Up
  7. Send another email
  8. Stay up waiting for a response and watch all the other exclusives leave the swaps
  9. Give up and go to sleep
  10. Send email the next day summarizing it and submitting the request again
  11. Wait four days
  12. Receive an automated email at 1pm EST saying the request couldn't be processed
  13. Finally give up and go to decide what swaps to make before they shut at 4pm EST
  14. Swaps instead close randomly at 1:30PM EST locking you into the defaults
  15. Your additional tracks are now gone completely
  16. Be greeted by a "Success! Your May order has now processed." message.

I would but have a number of orders from the store backed up still from the month before this. Honestly more tempted to throw up a "" website charting the experience as it happens. It's been a long time since I saw such consistent, consecutive fuck ups at this level.

You can always send your experiences here

So.. some good VMP news?


It seems as though Elli has taken it upon herself to be my saving grace, at least for the most recent issue. I emailed on top of the past ones about the added tracks disappearing and got an immediate response from her saying there was an issue with swaps and to contact again in the morning if it was still an issue. I replied saying I would do so but to clarify it was an issue with the processed order and attached screenshots showing just Stevie without the other tracks. She responded a bit later saying she had checked it out and made sure that everything is good to go not only with The Stooges but also Mr. Hands.|

Doesn't absolve VMP as a whole for the frustration and days of ghosting around the swaps issue but it feels nice to have someone actually read this issue and do their best to resolve it. If everything gets confirmed that those are locked in I'll be content for now. Relieved to have a point of contact moving forward and seemed in poor taste to dig up the issue with her when she's doing what she can to solve this one. Deluxe Splatter Black Pumas is on its way from my local record store anyway at this point, and I'll just Men in Black flash the memory of clicking on Demon Days for an hour from my mind.

Now let's hope the next swaps day is a functional, accessible affair. It's not going to be is it?

I received a “can’t process that manual swap” email just before I went to bed last night. Had a link in suggesting I make another one. I put up Shabaka and the Ancestors and, to my surprise this morning, it’s been swapped. There’s no rhyme or reason to it except I think Elli handled it as well.