Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I don't care enough about any of these to sub again.
I mean, they're okay I guess, but with each record I need to weigh now if I need this enough to take up space in my almost full 20 cubes of kallax space (I'm also selling a ton of stuff soon) - let alone the cost - and the answer to all is a resounding no.

I think I'm at the point of VMP where we've taken a 'break' long enough that the magic is gone and it's probably best we stay broken up.
I don't care enough about any of these to sub again.
I mean, they're okay I guess, but with each record I need to weigh now if I need this enough to take up space in my almost full 20 cubes of kallax space (I'm also selling a ton of stuff soon) - let alone the cost - and the answer to all is a resounding no.

I think I'm at the point of VMP where we've taken a 'break' long enough that the magic is gone and it's probably best we stay broken up.

Or you buy more storage.
I don't care enough about any of these to sub again.
I mean, they're okay I guess, but with each record I need to weigh now if I need this enough to take up space in my almost full 20 cubes of kallax space (I'm also selling a ton of stuff soon) - let alone the cost - and the answer to all is a resounding no.

I think I'm at the point of VMP where we've taken a 'break' long enough that the magic is gone and it's probably best we stay broken up.
Good thing that VMP dumped you then