Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

If you are looking for updates on how far back into 2025 your unfulfilled orders have fallen:
I am surprised if there are those who ordered Fela and the Dead and still haven't asked for refunds.
With 25 titles still outstanding, I am guessing there's a cash flow issue trying to get all of that pressed and in hand.
I ordered Jolene in February 2024. Shipping is now March 2025. (They also cancelled my Sly … “Stand” which, sad face as “Dance..” is a really nice piece of work.)

But I can’t come up with a reason outside of money why existing plates couldn’t get pressed faster than 9-12 month delays. I lapsed in May, mostly from fatigue and owning lots of records — and their relative price — but I would have still been a YMMV soft recommendation at a good price. Now, I’d probably actively warn people off.

I feel like once you hit that NPS negative tipping point, it has to be tough to recover momentum.
I ordered Jolene in February 2024. Shipping is now March 2025. (They also cancelled my Sly … “Stand” which, sad face as “Dance..” is a really nice piece of work.)

But I can’t come up with a reason outside of money why existing plates couldn’t get pressed faster than 9-12 month delays. I lapsed in May, mostly from fatigue and owning lots of records — and their relative price — but I would have still been a YMMV soft recommendation at a good price. Now, I’d probably actively warn people off.

I feel like once you hit that NPS negative tipping point, it has to be tough to recover momentum.
In context, it looks like what they're saying is Warners content is being routed through their warehouse (and then to vmp's where it's assembled for final shipment out). vmp employee "Dan De Lion" confirmed this with screenshots of GD live/dead that they'd just gotten in

"You are saying you don't believe this is real, and I'm trying to show you to help build confidence that it will be shipped... I'm saying "believe what you want" because it seems you have made up your mind. I understand that you paid a lot of money and I know it sucks to wait. We are working on it.For context, all of our WMX titles route through their warehouse."
In context, it looks like what they're saying is Warners content is being routed through their warehouse (and then to vmp's where it's assembled for final shipment out). vmp employee "Dan De Lion" confirmed this with screenshots of GD live/dead that they'd just gotten in

"You are saying you don't believe this is real, and I'm trying to show you to help build confidence that it will be shipped... I'm saying "believe what you want" because it seems you have made up your mind. I understand that you paid a lot of money and I know it sucks to wait. We are working on it.For context, all of our WMX titles route through their warehouse."
Except the one album I am waiting for isn’t a Warner album. Plus they made it seem like it is (unsure always or new - and if it’s new that’s a giant red flag) an always thing, it hasn’t been a problem with other Warner projects. Not to mention that the dead box was on presses in July or something.
I ordered Jolene in February 2024. Shipping is now March 2025. (They also cancelled my Sly … “Stand” which, sad face as “Dance..” is a really nice piece of work.)

But I can’t come up with a reason outside of money why existing plates couldn’t get pressed faster than 9-12 month delays. I lapsed in May, mostly from fatigue and owning lots of records — and their relative price — but I would have still been a YMMV soft recommendation at a good price. Now, I’d probably actively warn people off.

I feel like once you hit that NPS negative tipping point, it has to be tough to recover momentum.
Only thing I can think of is if VMPlant had the plates and they had to get them back
i 100% get why storf is the way he is about internet trolls and critics. he's a dude doing a job and people are making fat jokes and telling him to kill himself? nah, fuck that. he had a health issue and his mom is literally dying hundreds of miles away and every time he logs in to discord its "why do you guys suck, and you personally and in particular are at fault", i would also be of a "fuck you guys" inclination as well. that he hasn't told people exactly how to fuck themselves in detail and at length is a testament to his patience.

I'm also critical of how they've handled (or failed to handle) a lot of issues, but none that's even remotely ok

My direct experience of him in the last forum was that he lacked tact or self awareness and was prone to hubris and comical levels of self importance.

That said none of that reddit shit was fair on him in any way, people who pull that kinda crap online anonymously need to talk a short walk off a tall cliff.
So I picked credit this month but they still shipped me this in a record mailer. Why?
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Also here are January ROTM’s if anyone even cares anymore.

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love that they're doing broadcast stuff but too little too late i think. also i'm sure tender buttons will actually just come out looking solid brown instead of whatever that color is in the mock up.
My direct experience of him in the last forum was that he lacked tact or self awareness and was prone to hubris and comical levels of self importance.

That said none of that reddit shit was fair on him in any way, people who pull that kinda crap online anonymously need to talk a short walk off a tall cliff.
I've seen him make a few statements to me personally that I would say maybe fit that characterization, which I found really fucking galling. But overall I'd say he's at least trying to work on that stuff. And he's allowed to be imperfect, especially without the uncensored internet reddit dickheads trying to be as directly hurtful as possible.
I've seen him make a few statements to me personally that I would say maybe fit that characterization, which I found really fucking galling. But overall I'd say he's at least trying to work on that stuff. And he's allowed to be imperfect, especially without the uncensored internet reddit dickheads trying to be as directly hurtful as possible.

We all are, God knows I’m an idiot in a lot of contexts but again the old forum was a sort of very personalised atmosphere, for better or worse, and me and him were never destined to be people on the same side of anything really.
My direct experience of him in the last forum was that he lacked tact or self awareness and was prone to hubris and comical levels of self importance.

That said none of that reddit shit was fair on him in any way, people who pull that kinda crap online anonymously need to talk a short walk off a tall cliff.
That lack of tact, combined with how much of a cesspool Reddit can be, further combined with the understandable frustrations with a dying company that can’t ship records on time, explains perfectly what happened. Not to justify in any way and I don’t blame any of them from walking away from socials.
That lack of tact, combined with how much of a cesspool Reddit can be, further combined with the understandable frustrations with a dying company that can’t ship records on time, explains perfectly what happened. Not to justify in any way and I don’t blame any of them from walking away from socials.
IIRC they walked away from Reddit way before the whole can’t ship records on time thing happened…
I've seen him make a few statements to me personally that I would say maybe fit that characterization, which I found really fucking galling. But overall I'd say he's at least trying to work on that stuff. And he's allowed to be imperfect, especially without the uncensored internet reddit dickheads trying to be as directly hurtful as possible.
I honestly think the bloke has no idea on how he should talk to people online. I’m not going to go over old ground but I don’t like his writing style and I’m not a fan of his interaction style on forums. I do, however, very much like his podcasts and I think there’s a solid chance that’s more a reflection on his personality. Not least because he can express the nuance there and express himself genuinely. He comes across as knowledgable but only just about keeping his shit together that he’s actually getting to do what he does and there’s definitely a place for that in the world.

Anyway, getting shit about your appearance because you pick records for a living is really shitty. People really can be absolute wankers.
With all the issues shipping anything it was a stroke of pure genius for them to spend money on redesigning their mailers to remind us of this. I bet they hired a consulting firm for this gem.

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And with Neon Indian in hand I'm officially done with VMP again.

I am waiting for my last box but, just in case, they sent me the January swap preview. A preview I have been unable to see in the last couple of months and in which I am not interested since they don't want my €uros.
If you are looking for updates on how far back into 2025 your unfulfilled orders have fallen:
I am surprised if there are those who ordered Fela and the Dead and still haven't asked for refunds.
With 25 titles still outstanding, I am guessing there's a cash flow issue trying to get all of that pressed and in hand.
I looked at this out of curiosity and realized I have two of these on preorder (Bright Mississippi and Jolene).

Wonder if I’ll ever see them!