Hey all.
I used to frequent the VMP forums (as Casey) with regularity between 2016-2018 but took a break when I discontinued my VMP subscription after I hit a rough financial patch.
I went to film school for film editing, but the long hours of the industry starting eating away at my health so I'm transitioning into a career in the natural food industry. Grew up just south of Denver, but have been in LA for 12-13 years. It's home.
I'm a hoops junkie and just about the only dude from CO that cares more about the Nuggets and Avs than the Broncos. Hobbies also include story driven video games, blogging about music and backpacking. I have a propensity for coffee, snark and grassroots activism.
Hip-hop, down-tempo electronica and indie rock are the fetishes. Talking Heads, Radiohead, Kendrick, Outkast and Nicholas Jaar the holy grail.