What's Going On Up There- The Headphone Thread

I actually just picked-up a pair of IE600's a few days ago, before seeing this post. There was a $400 off sale on Amazon and I was eying them - been wanting to take a step from the Shure 425's I've been using for close to 15 years. Figured if there is an issue, it's easy to return to Amazon.

Anyway, I'm really loving these IE600's! A nice step up from the Shures I had. The bass is nice and rich, love it. Just a few days in, but so far so good. Playing around with the eartips. I've partial to foam tips with the Shures and I think it will be the same here. I just get better isolation with them. The larges are best but a little tiring after 15 minutes. Will probably go with the mediums in the long run.

I'm playing these through a Helm on my iPhone, with files coming mainly from Tidal.
Funny, I cannot get into using IEMs. I have AirPods which are fine for their purpose. I have had several pairs of IEMs and they sound fine but nothing revelatory. If I want to really listen the shit out of something with my iPhone it is big over the ear cans all the way.
Funny, I cannot get into using IEMs. I have AirPods which are fine for their purpose. I have had several pairs of IEMs and they sound fine but nothing revelatory. If I want to really listen the shit out of something with my iPhone it is big over the ear cans all the way.

The IEM's are just for when I'm out and about, otherwise at home I use ear cans.
I think it is my partial deafness in one ear. The IEM sort of amplifies (no pun intended) it, where as over the ears almost compensate for it and sound more natural
This makes no sense. Whether they are in ear or over your ear, the one ear is still… deaf.

AirPods do the adaptive listening thing right? Have you turned that on and done the listening test?

I hate iems and only use the echo buds in bed at night because we still have the three year old in the bed with us… she is gonna move out after her actual third birthday, but currently I don’t want her tugging on the b&ws while I’m asleep. Hopefully I will start using them for sleep time soon.

Ear buds make my ears itch.