I agree that VMP can release definitive pressings, I own several and of albums that would normally not receive that sort of treatment. There are plenty of examples where the VMP pressings isn’t particularly superior to the other options available and even more examples where there CQ messed things up and their pressing contain actual flaws. There are also plenty of examples of VMP pressing audiophile editions of albums that seemingly no one is clamoring for. At this point in collecting, I would rather spend the $50 on things I know I love. Than gamble on VMP in hopes on saving a few bucks on at least a few things I likely won’t. If VMP puts out something that I must own, I will fork over the a little more for that specific title but that as much as I willing to invest at this point.
I signed up for Demon Day initially but with the understanding that if I didn’t care for a ROTM, I could swap out for Black Sabbath, Beck, Wilco, MMJ, etc.. and That Fiona Apple was coming the following month. I remember with Fiona I also got exclusive pressings of The National’s Sad Songs For Dirty Lovers and Nick Caves The Boatman’s Call. Both those exclusives were under $25. VMP just isn’t to that level quality or value anymore.