Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I agree that VMP can release definitive pressings, I own several and of albums that would normally not receive that sort of treatment. There are plenty of examples where the VMP pressings isn’t particularly superior to the other options available and even more examples where there CQ messed things up and their pressing contain actual flaws. There are also plenty of examples of VMP pressing audiophile editions of albums that seemingly no one is clamoring for. At this point in collecting, I would rather spend the $50 on things I know I love. Than gamble on VMP in hopes on saving a few bucks on at least a few things I likely won’t. If VMP puts out something that I must own, I will fork over the a little more for that specific title but that as much as I willing to invest at this point.

I signed up for Demon Day initially but with the understanding that if I didn’t care for a ROTM, I could swap out for Black Sabbath, Beck, Wilco, MMJ, etc.. and That Fiona Apple was coming the following month. I remember with Fiona I also got exclusive pressings of The National’s Sad Songs For Dirty Lovers and Nick Caves The Boatman’s Call. Both those exclusives were under $25. VMP just isn’t to that level quality or value anymore.
Totally agree, I entered at Black Sabbath - And although Nada Surf came next, but they introduced Swaps shortly after. Anyhow Nada got sold on but for me the next 12 months (maybe 18) were VMPs peak. I picked up all those Albums you mentioned too.
I did wonder if my now much larger collection does not need a curator anymore. But TBH im also sure id get those titles still, no so much the curation lately.
Personally If i was CEO , I would at the minimum remove Storf from Picking. I get that its harder for them to press some of the titles they would like, but still..... I think they are at a 90% miss ratio for me.
Also I dont think added tracks enhanced the expericence. One ROTM with some additional true exclusive pressings / occasional Anthology in store would be my sweet spot.
I got the same email, but in my case it's because I'M LITERALLY NOT ALLOWED TO WHY ARE YOU STILL SENDING ME THIS STUFF
PO box it to Buffalo and enjoy the original Duff's while you're there!

Fun fact: I've been to that Duff's multiple times and not once has the parking lot not been covered in puke. That's how you know it's good.

EDIT: Oh man, I haven't been in like 15-20 years now and googled it and it hasn't changed one bit! Still the original decor, still serving wings in wooden bowls from the 80s. It's like a sweet time capsule that serves awesome wings.
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reading all these posts, I can't stop hearing ROTM as "ROW-TIM" in my head now and this is the final circle of hell
Wait. I haven't watched the video. I thought you all were complaining that he pronounced it as one word and imagined it was a short o sound like rotten but with an em at the end. He pronounces it with a long o? So it almost rhymes with scrotum? Jesus.