Everything Video Games!

And very annoying. I failed another quest last night, one of those where you run into battle and have to protect / keep someone alive. They ran, I walked. They were dead by the time I got there. Couldn't call my horse.
Could it be the controller? I had an issue which I can't remember now exactly. It might have been left joystick drift. I found something on Reddit that fixed it.
Could it be the controller? I had an issue which I can't remember now exactly. It might have been left joystick drift. I found something on Reddit that fixed it.
Don't think so. I have one of the Pro Controllers. Also tested the standard controller and same issue.
There's no button respec in the menu?
Not that I saw.

I know pressing L3 twice calls my horse, so pressing the button isn't an issue. I've tried pressing it once or holding it down like some games required. Noda.

I just did some googling and found out it's a common issue. It's because "overburdened" or carrying too much stuff. And there is a bug where you can be "overburdened" without the game indicating that you are.
Not that I saw.

I know pressing L3 twice calls my horse, so pressing the button isn't an issue. I've tried pressing it once or holding it down like some games required. Noda.

I just did some googling and found out it's a common issue. It's because "overburdened" or carrying too much stuff. And there is a bug where you can be "overburdened" without the game indicating that you are.
That makes a lot of sense. You're a pack rat. DROP ALL THAT EXTRA FOOD GERALT
Wish they'd just announce cus this overanalysis is getting very silly lol
This is why I don't read any of the games press. It's always someone just saying they have inside info until one person is right. When Nintendo announce it I'll pay attention but meh at all the noise until then
This is why I don't read any of the games press. It's always someone just saying they have inside info until one person is right. When Nintendo announce it I'll pay attention but meh at all the noise until then

Amazon in the UK and Italy accidentally posted Switch 2 preorders online as well as Walmart over the past 24 hours. They are down now, but Redditor's caught it and screenshot it. These presale listings all showed a release date of 3/6.
Amazon in the UK and Italy accidentally posted Switch 2 preorders online as well as Walmart over the past 24 hours. They are down now, but Redditor's caught it and screenshot it. These presale listings all showed a release date of 3/6.
Scalpers about to live their best lives.

Kind of a fast turnaround from announcement to release, would expect more of a fall timeframe, but March would be cool.

Quietest console announcement of all time lol looks not that different, but cleaner!

Switch 2 Direct where I imagine they'll announce games and release date on 2/4

Edit: actually 4/2. Tough that that's still so far away. But the Mario Kart looks good and the cartridge backwards compatibility is HUGE.
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Quietest console announcement of all time lol looks not that different, but cleaner!

Switch 2 Direct where I imagine they'll announce games and release date on 2/4

Edit: actually 4/2. Tough that that's still so far away. But the Mario Kart looks good and the cartridge backwards compatibility is HUGE.
How did they announce the original switch? I don't remember 🤔