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  • Donda has probably been my most listened to album this year but I only listen to the 3 or 4 great songs and ignore it ALL else
    Fremer Vs mike of the in groove about ERC is.. pure salt
    i just cant get into this beatles documentary.. and its mostly the length and pacing
    Im not a fan (entirely because ive not spent time with the music) but I loved it. I knew the important of what I was watching. But in saying that I am always watching old remastered footage of random shit and amazed by it lol
    I liken it to the David Bowie brilliant adventures box set, only for the hard core fans.
    Understandable.. just all the discourse about this one the last like 4 months makes this feel like the ultimate event and it's not quite made for someone who is even just a slightly more mild fan (I only live like Sgt peppers through Abbey road)
    aw the grammys.. you are always funny.. not bad nominees though... even if glass animals for best new artist is hilarious and justice specifically being nominated for the "TRIPLE CHUCKS DELUXE" edition.. my money is on billie or taylor winning the album and leading to even more torture for billie or more bragging for taylor
    Obviously I love the new gecs song... But... Holy shit Laura...

    Its brave in a way you know if you are a fan
    i'mgonna tina tkay maidza because including 4AD shipping its the same price as both albums combined and they are great EPs
    Tbh my carbon fiber brush actually makes my vinyl sound worse.. I dunno if I'm using it right
    Btw going to work on listening to red (Taylor's version) in full so I can give a full nuanced review about the project ignoring my bias about her and the corporate or consumer politics behind it.. just as an album..
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    "ignoring my bias" :LOL:
    shit this was overly pretentious
    but honestly... i just wasn't a big fan.. never got the hype... i never heard the original red.. though the singles don't have as much angst that made them more compelling, but otherwise its fine if you love her music... but not as great as people say IMO
    Donda Deluxe dropped.. I have a hunch it's because of that specific feud

    But also no one wanted 23 minutes of an album that was already at least 30 minutes too long

    At least the Andre 3000 song is here
    New mitski song written by Dan Wilson is great, but the maniac style instrumentation was putting me off until that guitar solo.. February will be a hard month
    can i have some honest good news, beyond the obvious big thing that happened today has just in general been a horrible day (being ditched by someone you supported because first you said one thing then you try to agree and get treated as worthless does that to you)... so is there any great stuff to listen to or do, i kinda just got to mentally calm down
    AKMU, to me, is much less intense and overproduced as most other kpop. Definitely worth a try, though it might not be for everyone
    I got one for you: SS will be up at some point today/tomorrow
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    This is not about Travis Scott.. though he is partially to blame, it's not about the rowdy crowd, though that's partially to blame, it's definitely not intended to make you scared of concerts, though the crowd of the show and aggressive behavior may bring fear.. this is about gross negligence, a toxic environment, and a lack of safety or support. This is a tragedy
    Scott has been arrested multiple times for inciting riots. People barged into this fest because he told them to break in. He got sued by a guy who got shoved off a balcony and is now in a wheelchai at Terminal West when he goaded people to jump. I'm not really on the "give poor Travis the benefit of the doubt" here. He could have done more.
    fuck.. i seriously didn't know about those parts... i just don't know what to do, its hard to know what to do with an artist you like after horrible things are shown and admitted... i was being selfish
    @duke86fan - It’s tough but I’ve learned recently that I can still like an artist and their music (or art) while not liking some of the other things they do
    tbh the title track of billies new album makes me wish she could do like a full indie rock album.. and get like wayne coyne or dave fridmann or even steve albini to work with finneas, and maybe get some features like weatherday or classic j of glass beach or julien baker.... i want this to be her folklore
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