Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts in here as of late - September was one shitshow after another it seemed, and I kept meaning to sit down and catch up on here but I neglected it all month and now it's October! Well, happy spooky month, friends. I'm going to just real quickly summarize what all I watched last month and keep it brief so that maybe this month I can actually post as I watch.
The Hideous Sun Demon (1958)
Based solely on the title, I expected that the titular monster in this would probably be an alien that emerged from the sun to wreak havoc on the earth or some other wacky sci-fi premise like that. To my surprise, however, this was actually more in line narratively and tonally with the something like a Universal Monsters picture; in fact, it's almost exactly like
The Wolf Man, just with the caveat that the main character is transformed by the sun instead of the moon. It's far from perfect - and perhaps not even really that good - but I did enjoy my time with it.

The Thing from Another World (1951)
This is a case where I almost wish I was able to view this with a blank slate, because while I respect it immensely as a significant sci-fi classic, it's hard to deny that it was improved upon in almost every respect three decades later by Carpenter's film. With that being said, it's still a great movie.

Suitable Flesh (2023)
I thought this was fun but flawed, a pervy possession movie that doesn't take itself very seriously. It's a clear attempt to evoke the kind of smutty Lovecraftian 80s horror film that co-star Barbara Crampton used to appear in (even being written by Dennis Paoli of
Re-Animator and
From Beyond fame), though the execution is at times a bit amateurish. I also don't know how I feel about the handling of some of the heavier ideas here; I'm all for mixing horror and comedy but some of the attempts here were a bit uncomfortable. I don't know, it's probably closer to a three skull movie, but it has its moment and the performances from Heather Graham and Crampton elevate it.

Abigail (2024)
I thought this was pretty decent, if a little longer than it needed to be. The kidnapping plot was an interesting angle and the actors were all great and brought a lot to their respective characters. Add in some gory special effects and a devious little vampire girl on top of that and I was mostly happy with this.

The Grudge (2004)
I realized pretty early into this that I probably should have just watched the original Japanese film instead of this Americanized remake (especially after seeing
@EvanBenner's ringing endorsement of it) but I still liked this fine enough. I enjoy that there's this sort of creepy atmosphere hanging over the whole movie that never really lets up and some of the images, while probably watered down for international markets, are striking in how unsettling they are.

Skinwalkers (2006)
This was pretty bad, with the only real saving grace coming in the final act with halfway decent werewolf effects. Even that can't save one of the worse written stories I've seen in a movie as of late, though. It's a shame, because the premise had some potential and it's the rare werewolf movie that actually has some kind of a budget, but unfortunately all this movie proves is that money doesn't automatically result in a high quality product.

Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
It was pretty much mandatory that I watch a Jason movie on Friday the 13th as the timing just lined up too perfectly. I went with
Jason Lives for no reason in particular other than that it's amazing and I love it. This is the one where they pretty much said "fuck it" and decided to start leaning into the absurdity and it is glorious.

Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost (1999)
I like to put this one on around fall time about every other year or so, it helps get me in the mood for the season. Autumn leaves, pumpkins, Hex Girls, what more could you ask for?

Child's Play (1988)
Despite the massive fanbase he has, I admit that Chucky has never been my favorite horror movie villain, but going back and rewatching this reminds me of how good and creepy the core concept of the character is. Much like Freddy in the first
Nightmare movie, it's refreshing to remind yourself of a time when these characters were played for more straightforward horror rather than the more ridiculous and quippy incarnations they'd be reduced to in later years.

Tremors (1990)
Who doesn't love to watch giant worms fuck shit up every now and then? This is such a fun flick that I waited too long to watch for myself; so simple yet so effective.

The Others (2001)
One of the best haunted house movies I've ever seen; this kind of atmospheric, melancholic ghost story is right up my alley. Nicole Kidman is of course great, but the two main child actors in the movie are pretty fantastic too, which is something you don't get very often and is probably a major key in why this movie works as well as it does.

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)
This was alright, maybe a little better than I expected but still just okay. Outside of adapting some of Stephen Gammell's memorably freakish illustrations for the creatures and cribbing some story ideas very loosely, this doesn't really have a whole lot to do with the source material. I almost question why they didn't just go the anthology route, as the actual story isn't especially strong. It's entirely watchable, though, and it is surprisingly gruesome for a PG-13 movie based on a children's book.

Immaculate (2024)
Sydney Sweeney visits a convent and it does not go well. I actually thought this was pretty good, to the point where I was surprised to see it have such a low average on Letterboxd. I guess I can see how some people might not like the turns the story takes or how obvious some of the messaging gets, but eh, I enjoyed it.

Monster House (2006)
Nostalgia probably is doing some heavy lifting with this one, but this is still a spooky season staple for me. I know the motion capture style turns a lot of people off (understandably so), but I actually think the creepiness of it adds to the overall tone of the movie in this instance. Plus I love the design of the titular monster house and how this takes advantage of the medium of animation to do things with the premise that would probably come off silly in live action. Your mileage may vary, but it will always remain a personal favorite horror-comedy of mine.