Comics Corner

Apparently The Walking Deads next issue will be its last.

I thought it was a great ending. Given how civilization was starting to creep back in, I didn't know where else Kirkman could go within the "zombie" genre. They were starting to take a back seat to the political intrigue. Now I'm out of weekly pulls though...

San Diego Comic Con in 1 week. Anyone else going?
Greetings all! I have been an avid collector for about a decade now. I finally read Tom King’s Mister Miracle and it certainly lived up to the hype. I think I put off reading because I knew I would love it and at only 12 issues it would it would be over too soon. I loved King’s Vision too. Is anyone reading/read his Batman? I haven’t actively read a Batman book since Snyder left the main title. Is King’s Batman pretty good?
Greetings all! I have been an avid collector for about a decade now. I finally read Tom King’s Mister Miracle and it certainly lived up to the hype. I think I put off reading because I knew I would love it and at only 12 issues it would it would be over too soon. I loved King’s Vision too. Is anyone reading/read his Batman? I haven’t actively read a Batman book since Snyder left the main title. Is King’s Batman pretty good?

I know King was clear when he started that he had a long-term plan for the book, but I saw that Selina Kyle "wedding" farce storyline as an indicator his writing isn't for me. I did really like his take on Vision. I've never cared about Mister Miracle so didn't pick that one up. For Batman, I have been reading a couple of the stand-alone miniseries - White Knight/Curse of the White Knight (Sean Murphy) and Last Knight on Earth (Snyder/Capullo).

Aside from Grant Morrison's current run on Green Lantern & Joelle Jones on Catwoman, I haven't consistently read anything core DC (aside from Vertigo-related like the Sandman spinoffs) since The New 52 launched. Rebirth was just a bandaid on a gaping wound of 'Didio and Lee don't know what they're doing'. I did enjoy the first issue of Rucka's Lois Lane and Fraction's Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen.
I've never cared about Mister Miracle so didn't pick that one up

You should give it a go if you get a chance. I have never been too exposed to The New Gods beyond Orion’s appearance in Azzarello’s amazing Wonder Woman run. So I went in blind and It really is a great read, a bit similar to Fraction’s Hawkeye (one of my all-time favorites) in that a lot of it deals with Superheroes when they are not being Super, just living the everyday life. It also has an interesting take on mental illnesses and depression which is not often addressed in mainstream superhero comics often (outside another recent favorite Lemire’s Moon Knight). Did you give any of the Young Animal books a go? I really enjoyed most of them especially Doom Patrol and Shade The Changing Girl.
You should give it a go if you get a chance. I have never been too exposed to The New Gods beyond Orion’s appearance in Azzarello’s amazing Wonder Woman run. So I went in blind and It really is a great read, a bit similar to Fraction’s Hawkeye (one of my all-time favorites) in that a lot of it deals with Superheroes when they are not being Super, just living the everyday life. It also has an interesting take on mental illnesses and depression which is not often addressed in mainstream superhero comics often (outside another recent favorite Lemire’s Moon Knight). Did you give any of the Young Animal books a go? I really enjoyed most of them especially Doom Patrol and Shade The Changing Girl.

Fraction's Hawkeye was great, agreed, as was Lemire's Moon Knight, though I'll usually buy a book written by either. I picked up the 1st issue of most of the Young Animal books and didn't go any further. I can always pick up the trade of Mister Miracle at some point.
Not that I needed more new comics to add to my list, but picked up the first two issues of Coffin Bound, and I'm HOOKED. With Black Science and Paper Girls done, Low and Trees soon coming to a close, I guess I can justify a few new pulls.

Checked out Fight Club 2 from the library - it was a comic only release combined into a trade. I really enjoyed how he ended up taking the story, although it was a little scattered in the middle. Definitely not what I expected. Going to jump into Preacher next.
Got Chris Ware's Rusty Brown collection on its way to me. I've been having trouble finding out whether there's new material (Ware's been releasing the story in drips and drabs via his Acme Novelty Library series for years, though the last one came out ~2011), but it appears there is some, and I don't have the previous issues. What I've read of it so far has been as precisely drawn and emotionally messy as anything he's done.