I don't think Diamond is in that much trouble - they're the only distributor - but it is concerning how much of their staff they laid off after they announced the temporary shutdown. It's not mentioned until 2/3 of the way down the column, but the biggest question is how many independent stores will be able to survive this. I've seen some shops around the country that are still taking orders & offering delivery for what they currently have, but a lot of stores are completely shut down. The manager of my local told me that when they shut down on Tuesday, communication was still so screwed up they had no idea if the shipment of this week's books was on its way. But even if it was, they likely couldn't afford to pay for it and would have had to reject it. With general slowdown of sales for the last month, the delay of ECCC which was their big moneymaker each year, and the shelter-in-place order shutting them down & keeping customers away, they'll be scrambling whenever "normal" life resumes. I've been going there 20 years and this could be the death knell.
Marvel and DC are going to have to make some big changes to communication (not making big announcements after the preorder cut-off date), the way they require stores to pre-order (e.g., 100 copies of the standard cover in order to get the exclusive variant, whose sale will cover the whole order... if it sells), and the sheer number of books they're pushing out on a weekly basis. In a sad irony, it's the type of thing Image Comics has been yelling about for the last couple years while reducing the number of books they publish. Nobody can fix distribution (and many of the same complaints as record shops have after consolidation to 1 Warner-affiliated distributor), but there are a lot of things they can do with pricing and scheduling of the books.
Best-case scenario, all this does is push the printing & shipping schedule out from the original, and that gives time for the publishers, Diamond, and stores to assess and come up with a better system that allows everyone who can to keep going.