Definitive Audiophile pressings

latest Jazz Dispensary reissue announced

bundles and stuff on their site as well.
The Dankest Grooves shirt is pretty rad.
But I have teenagers and can't get away with that stuff.
Fun story friend has a 2 year old daughter. On Halloween, he put her down for a nap then tried on his Austin Powers costume to get ready for their town's Halloween kids parade. She woke up crying earlier than expected so he went to her room to get her up and forgot he had the costume on. She was absolutely terrified lol
They’re just holding it for a friend!
I got caught smoking weed in high school. We were very dumb. We thought my mom had gone for the evening and decided to just spark up around the kitchen table. Problem was my mom forgot something and swung back by the house not 10 minutes later while we were passing around a fat bowl. One of my buddies palmed it fully blazed and burnt his hand so bad he had blisters. Mom initially says that she smells something burning to which my stoned ass panickingly replies that something was on fire. Unfortunately she had a completely reasonable follow up question and asked, what was on fire. One of my other friends spoke up and said we were unsure because it was extinguished before we arrived. My mom then went to use the bathroom and we all immediately fled the scene. We met up at the local Subway sandwich shop, which was our hangout spot and we were all high-fiving and talking about how slick we were to get away with it. Only to have my mom show up 5 minutes later and make me come home with her as I was grounded for the next month.

It had finally clicked with my mom what was burning.
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I got caught smoking weed in high school. We were very dumb. We thought my mom was gon for the evening and decided to just spark up around the kitchen table. Problem was my mom forgot something and swung back by the house not 10 minutes later while we were passing around a fat bowl. One of my buddies palmed it fully blazed and burnt his hand so bad he had blisters. Mom initially says that she smells something burning to which my stoned ass panickingly replies that something was on fire. Unfortunately she had a completely reasonable follow up question and asked, what was on fire. One of my other friends spoke up and said we were unsure because it was extinguished before we arrived. My mom then went to use the bathroom and we all immediately fled the scene. We met up at the local Subway sandwich shop, which was our hangout spot and we were all high-fiving and talking about how slick we were to get away with it. Only to have my mom show up 5 minutes later and make me come home with her as I was grounded for the next month.

It had finally clicked with my mom what was burning.
I got caught smoking weed in high school. We were very dumb. We thought my mom had gone for the evening and decided to just spark up around the kitchen table. Problem was my mom forgot something and swung back by the house not 10 minutes later while we were passing around a fat bowl. One of my buddies palmed it fully blazed and burnt his hand so bad he had blisters. Mom initially says that she smells something burning to which my stoned ass panickingly replies that something was on fire. Unfortunately she had a completely reasonable follow up question and asked, what was on fire. One of my other friends spoke up and said we were unsure because it was extinguished before we arrived. My mom then went to use the bathroom and we all immediately fled the scene. We met up at the local Subway sandwich shop, which was our hangout spot and we were all high-fiving and talking about how slick we were to get away with it. Only to have my mom show up 5 minutes later and make me come home with her as I was grounded for the next month.

It had finally clicked with my mom what was burning.
My mom never really cared what I did as long as I was up front with where I was going, what I was doing, etc. And I was never stupid enough to drive or be in a car with someone driving. If my dad were at all involved in my life though he'd probably have sent me to military school for smoking.
My friends parents were all pretty supportive of our weed smoking hobby. So much so that they let us build a small shed in the backyard to hotbox.

I shit you not, the most motivated we ever were was when we built this hotbox hut from SCRATCH. Power tools and everything, we built a door with hinges, we insulated it so we could use it in the winter, we built a sloping roof for the rain, and put a little carpet in there. We would fit like 8 people in there sitting on the floor passing bongs and blunts around until we couldn't see each other on the other side 🤣
My friends parents were all pretty supportive of our weed smoking hobby. So much so that they let us build a small shed in the backyard to hotbox.

I shit you not, the most motivated we ever were was when we built this hotbox hut from SCRATCH. Power tools and everything, we built a door with hinges, we insulated it so we could use it in the winter, we built a sloping roof for the rain, and put a little carpet in there. We would fit like 8 people in there sitting on the floor passing bongs and blunts around until we couldn't see each other on the other side 🤣
I went to a very stoner friendly college and there was one night where like eight joints were being passed around and I had never gotten that high before in my life and was like “holy shit these are professional stoners”

It was that kinda high where you’re just dead silent for like four hours
I went to a very stoner friendly college and there was one night where like eight joints were being passed around and I had never gotten that high before in my life and was like “holy shit these are professional stoners”

It was that kinda high where you’re just dead silent for like four hours
That sounds like one Christmas break in Colorado when there was a bit of dry spell in finding any bud (pre-MM days even) so everyone scraped their bongs and we loaded a big ball resin. It got about 20 of us so high that we were losing time and forgot how to function. Two of my roommates were siblings, the brother was a stoner, the sister was not. She came home at about 1 AM to 20 of us standing in the backyard in a snowstorm just staring at each other like some sort of satanic ritual and yelled at us for what felt like an eternity.
Both my kids have turned out to be stoners, which is no surprise if it’s genetic. I partake with them on occasion, and it’s been funny watching them learn that I smoke/ate weed their whole lives and they had no clue.

Now, most recently, we had a scare. My daughters are vegetarian, so I keep some mushroom chocolates in a frozen chicken nugget bag in our basement freezer, thinking they’re 100% safe there. Well, last week, one had a friend over and they were going to make dinner, and she grabbed the bag and asked if she could make some. I calmly panicked and realized there was a different unopened package in the freezer, and I grabbed the secret one from her and said the other nuggets are much better quality. My kids know I’m a bit obsessed with chicken nuggets, and it’s become a joke in our house. The upside of that is she took me at my word, confident she was serving her friend better quality!

You should have let them take it then gave them the worst trip of their life so they’ll never do it again
