Definitive Audiophile pressings

Anyone else having trouble getting their settlement check from MoFi? Mine was on informed delivery the end of August but was never delivered. The post office said it was probably lost or stolen so I reached out to the MoFi settlement email and they said the settlement people needed an official email from the post office saying it was lost or stolen. They obviously wouldn't give me that but had me put in the info on their website where I got an automated reply that said I could report it as missing but without a tracking number there was nothing they could do. I sent that to MoFi and they've ghosted me since.
Anyone else having trouble getting their settlement check from MoFi? Mine was on informed delivery the end of August but was never delivered. The post office said it was probably lost or stolen so I reached out to the MoFi settlement email and they said the settlement people needed an official email from the post office saying it was lost or stolen. They obviously wouldn't give me that but had me put in the info on their website where I got an automated reply that said I could report it as missing but without a tracking number there was nothing they could do. I sent that to MoFi and they've ghosted me since.
i got mine a few weeks ago. already spent it on more records 😂
You have a lot More Mofi than I do. Some of mine didn’t even qualify (the Bill Evans Sunday 1step was AAA) lol
i pretty much just returned the ones that I didn't listen to anymore/preferred other pressings of like Kind of Blue. Had a few others I had been meaning to sell but they had dropped below MSRP on discogs. it was annoying but i knocked it all out in an hour or two one night while listening to music and having some beers.
You have a lot More Mofi than I do. Some of mine didn’t even qualify (the Bill Evans Sunday 1step was AAA) lol
Yeah same, also I never felt ripped off or like I was being taken advantage of anyways. I don’t fault anybody for sticking it to the man, but for me to jump through hoops, the process needs to be either super simple or I must feel really aggrieved neither applied in this instance.
These crap tapes are in the U.S. so it makes sense they would be cut there, and the distinguished Kevin Reeves because they are probably being pressed at the worst, cheapest plant - United.

Rush to pre-order!! Beatles!! In mono, from fourth generation dub tapes with added heavy reverb!!
My Dad had these records in his collection. He had just turned 16 when The Beatles played on Sullivan. I saw my Dad play these U.S. versions when I was a kid. While I have minty analog UK stereos and monos, my dumb ass ordered this set because these versions meant so much to my Dad.

That said, the reality of what they are makes me want to cancel the order because they won't get played. I have shelter, food, and potable water, but after reading your post I still feel a deep sadness that buying stuff isn't fixing.