Well-Known Member
I will! I’m going to give my parents AUD$100 starting from next week and I’m happy I’m setting up there tax accounts so then they can take out some money for their sake. I’ll also take the family out for dinner soon because why notManchester.
I don't think you'll do any of these things. Only because this forum has this round and round w/ you every few weeks or so. But it's cool - in five years when you're selling plasma to raise money to get a ticket out of Australia following the inevitable Koala Uprising, I'll give you a penny on the dollar for your collection.

I think with the Blue Note sale, I might actually not purchase anything from it, especially as there’s international shipping costs on top; Acoustic Sounds is more worth it for me as the Analogue Productions pressings are a bit better and I get more enjoyment out of the titles I buy from there!
Things are looking really good for me at the moment!