Definitive Audiophile pressings

I don't doubt that she is steadfast, since that fits well with what little I've read and seen of her. And I can't fault her for that, just generally speaking, and also because of how invested and involved she was in the latter part of Art's career. As long as she's not just sitting on all his music, keeping it from the public, more power to her. All indications are that the RSD box set was with her approval and involvement, which is an indication to me she's doing a good job.
I completely agree, it's great that she actively makes sure his legacy goes on.

I don't tweet but it's worth following her on Twitter as she releases a lot of freebie tracks on there. I believe she released one recently for Christmas.
Someone was looking for this right?

Yes, that was me, and I’ve missed it every time, including now.
That’s awesome, I’d definitely buy it

I think I read somewhere there are more copies coming. I don't think it will be as along as the wait we've had from the previous pressing. Although I'm still waiting for Music Direct to mail my copy. You might be best putting in an order at Music Direct, I suspect any shop that gets copies in will sell out very quickly
I don’t have that one, but I have the Little Girl Blue B&N exclusive and sold my AP 33 because it sounded better to me. Didn’t have any issues at all with it.

Just arrived this morning, both sound good. I got the green vinyl of "friends' & the black of little girl. I think they would both be great with a clean.

Just goes to show they can do these records at a reasonable price. RTI, KG, Stoughton type sleeve fro less than what I've been paying for the BN Classic series
You will likely get a hold placed on your card at first though if that matters to ya. And not sure if they ship all at once or as they are ready
I just placed an order and it asked if i wanted the instock items to ship now and the others later or ship in stock and cancel the others. And i just got a text from the bank that AS has reserved the order amount. Annoying but hopefully it be for too long 🙂
I just placed an order and it asked if i wanted the instock items to ship now and the others later or ship in stock and cancel the others. And i just got a text from the bank that AS has reserved the order amount. Annoying but hopefully it be for too long 🙂
The hold on mine seemed to disappear after a few days.
I need to play this again. It is a fun record and brings back some good memories. One of my best friends at the time had this on vinyl. He played it pretty much daily. :).

FWIW I have the UK Vertigo. No idea how it compares to other versions.

Is there any preferred pressings for Bad Reputation ? Thats one I need to upgrade.
Is there any preferred pressings for Bad Reputation ? Thats one I need to upgrade.

Not sure. I only have Jailbreak and Live and Dangerous. Both UK Vertigos. I got them 3yrs or so ago. I must have run across them somewhere on Discogs and grabbed them. Both in great shape. I think I got Live 1st but then had to get Jailbreak because that is the one burned deep into my brain.