Definitive Audiophile pressings

Why would you sell your neil young collection for $100?
I wouldn't sell my Neil Young collection. And sorry for the crack, only kidding of course. I have a couple Steely Dan albums just never fully understood the resurgence in popularity. Several of my friends are on that train too, and it's not that I don't like them, I just don't understand the love for them I guess? Something just doesn't click for me in terms of why they are popular again.

Edit: I should clarify, I neither like nor dislike them. They're like eating oatmeal. It's food.
I wouldn't sell my Neil Young collection. And sorry for the crack, only kidding of course. I have a couple Steely Dan albums just never fully understood the resurgence in popularity. Several of my friends are on that train too, and it's not that I don't like them, I just don't understand the love for them I guess? Something just doesn't click for me in terms of why they are popular again.
I love Steely Dan AND my red mahogany Denton 80s. There's no accounting for taste, I guess
I wouldn't sell my Neil Young collection. And sorry for the crack, only kidding of course. I have a couple Steely Dan albums just never fully understood the resurgence in popularity. Several of my friends are on that train too, and it's not that I don't like them, I just don't understand the love for them I guess? Something just doesn't click for me in terms of why they are popular again.

Edit: I should clarify, I neither like nor dislike them. They're like eating oatmeal. It's food.
Nah I know, I'm similarly teasing about neil. I've posted once or twice in the neil thread myself
T Rex, CSN, Van Halen and the Eagles are WEA. They did it themselves, quite well I might add, and licensed it to MoFi too
Well they’re pressing CSN and JT Greatest Hits to name but two from WB. A nice audiophile is not completion for a Rhino either. It’s the standard release alongside the special treatment for the big fans. The point is also utter narcissistic turd music v the true original genius of the era. How so much of her catalogue is out of print and not deemed worthy of even consideration for reissue by rhino never mind audiophile. They should be the Crown Jewels for MoFi or AP, up there with the Dylan’s.
True somehow forgot those artists are Warner…agree they can do much better and I’d love a Joni title or two. I’m also happy with the box set and I wonder if it not selling well has scared off other higher end reissues. I always see it on massive sale. I think I paid $60 for it.

Anywho, we agree on wanting better titles done in a high quality way 🍻 someone will get around to it I’m sure.
Well they’re pressing CSN and JT Greatest Hits to name but two from WB. A nice audiophile is not completion for a Rhino either. It’s the standard release alongside the special treatment for the big fans. The point is also utter narcissistic turd music v the true original genius of the era. How so much of her catalogue is out of print and not deemed worthy of even consideration for reissue by rhino never mind audiophile. They should be the Crown Jewels for MoFi or AP, up there with the Dylan’s.

Great shout for the one step treatment.

I have to say the BG version that came out recently is phenomenal (I got the RTI pressed box, not sure about the Optimal one), I'm waiting patiently for the next box of remastered studio titles.

Reading this thread and thinking about it, we just need more great audiophile pressings. Or even just decent pressings. (I've bought 3 copies of a Delines album over 3 years, and still not been able to listen to it all the way through.)
True somehow forgot those artists are Warner…agree they can do much better and I’d love a Joni title or two. I’m also happy with the box set and I wonder if it not selling well has scared off other higher end reissues. I always see it on massive sale. I think I paid $60 for it.

Anywho, we agree on wanting better titles done in a high quality way 🍻 someone will get around to it I’m sure.

Perhaps but I think they missed a trick in not releasing them separately. Not everyone wants to pony up for a full box but a causal fan may want one of the last 3 for the hits, particularly as Clouds hasn’t been repressed since the 70s and the Ladies Rhino sold out years ago, or blue being blue. Also a big fan like me might just want the new fixed version of seagul.