Definitive Audiophile pressings


I'm sorry but the President of the company was stuck at an Avis desk??
Piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.

I don’t know if they can stop lying.

Mofi's President Davis losing his shit (and Mofi VP Wood's "I regret everything, man") shows you they regret getting caught and called out publicly, not actually, you know, lying for the bucks. Fuck those dudes forever.
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I don't know if this has been posted already (or elsewhere,) but I found it edifying:

(open in incognito to get past the paywall)

View attachment 147922
I came straight here after reading this. I mainly avoided all the YouTube videos on this kerfuffle but this article really breaks it down in a way that's easily digestible. I definitely have more respect for Mike after this, and way less for Fremer who comes across as bitter and entitled.
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I've been burnt though, so I'm going to be cautious on new issues and will rely on other peoples ears or easy return policies.

I got the Dusty first, which is great, and I expected others to be great also. I was really looking forward to the Bob Marley Live album, and was really disappointed. I ended up buying a NM OG which turned out to be unlistenable (this is what bugs me with buying original copies) and ended up with 3 versions of the same album. ( I should have stuck with the CD on that one). I'll maybe try it again when I change my cart (it could be my system).

I do have others that are good, but I would never buy a Miles Showell issue on a pre-order without being able to return it easily or it having some good reviews. The thing that bugs me is they are more expensive than Speakers Corner & the same price as the Tone Poets, so I want something that sounds good

I did hear recently (not sure it's true), that the process is difficult when cutting from analogue tape and that accounts for many of the inconsistencies. When it's cut from digital they can sound great.

I bought an early UK copy of who's next at the weekend from a market for £10, I'm hoping that'll satisfy my Who vinyl quota for the moment. I might get tempted by one of the Tommy reissues
Oh yeah, I agree that they aren't all point is there are some fantastic sounding half speed mastered albums out there and to not dismiss them all across the board.
I came straight here after reading this. I mainly avoided all the YouTube videos on this jet fiddle but this article really breaks it down in a way that's easily digestible. I definitely have more respect for Mike after this, and way less for Fremer who comes across as bitter and entitled.
I'm not sure bitter and entitled are accurate, or fair, though his behavior surely fits those descriptions. The guy has been around for longer that the majority of people throwing rocks at him. He knows more than them, he's paid his dues, and unless it can be proven/documented otherwise, he has maintained a respectable level of integrity through the work he's done. I can believe it would be incredibly frustrating to have all of that pushed aside for the sake of insulting swipes posted by people who may or may not know what the hell they're talking about. He's a cranky guy, and I think there's some justification for that. He could just sit back and let all of this slide by without comment, but obviously that's not how he plays. I understand where you're coming from, but just thought I'd offer an alternate view.
I'm surprised Mikefromtheingrooveinphoenixarizona is only 38 years old. For sure, I thought he was in his 50s.
He has a grandchild, too. I will say, sounds like he’s had quite a rough life from that article and despite how ridiculous he can be, he did make something for himself. I found humor in Fremer’s comment about him being a “non-journalist.” Mike has a decently large following on YT and had every right to inquire about this for how much he propped up MoFi. Fremer seems quite jealous about his invitation. It’s pretty silly.
The thing that pisses me off the most about all this is I recently upgraded Workingman’s Dead and American Beauty to MoFi 45xRPM from the Rhino Bellman cut reissues. I was planning on PIFing it or giving away my old Rhino copies but now I think I should hold on to them since they were actually cut from the original tapes and since there is a subset of audiophiles that worship at the AAA alter it’s seems like I should hold on to them since they are AAA even though I much prefer my MoFi copies. This is where the collecting part of this hobby kinda blows.
The thing that pisses me off the most about all this is I recently upgraded Workingman’s Dead and American Beauty to MoFi 45xRPM from the Rhino Bellman cut reissues. I was planning on PIFing it or giving away my old Rhino copies but now I think I should hold on to them since they were actually cut from the original tapes and since there is a subset of audiophiles that worship at the AAA alter it’s seems like I should hold on to them since they are AAA even though I much prefer my MoFi copies. This is where the collecting part of this hobby kinda blows.
Which sound better?
The thing that pisses me off the most about all this is I recently upgraded Workingman’s Dead and American Beauty to MoFi 45xRPM from the Rhino Bellman cut reissues. I was planning on PIFing it or giving away my old Rhino copies but now I think I should hold on to them since they were actually cut from the original tapes and since there is a subset of audiophiles that worship at the AAA alter it’s seems like I should hold on to them since they are AAA even though I much prefer my MoFi copies. This is where the collecting part of this hobby kinda blows.
I'll buy the MoFis off you.
I'll buy the MoFis off you.
But I like the MoFi’s more.

It’s like comic books, let’s say you have a valuable first print single issue and it’s great but then you later purchase the oversized deluxe hardcover collection that also includes that single issue and now that you have the deluxe collection you are never gonna read the original because the deluxe is a better product but the value from a collecting standpoint comes from the single issue. It’s the point where the collection portion of these hobbies work against the actual enjoyment of the medium.

So I end up with duplicates. It’s fine. I am just being cranky after rereading the hype sticker on the front of my Rhino copy of American Beauty as I filed it back into my collection.