Definitive Audiophile pressings

It was not so long ago that Cisco put out a magnificent, definitive Aja at 33rpm that went for $35. The original Classic KOB 45rpm went for $50, now being repressed for $150.

Anyone else notice that MOFI and Chad have, like, zero interest in putting out hardly anything at 33rpm, and at the going price ($35 or $39 depending) - just pumping out the cash grabs at $150?
Yea--I personally hate the 45 format and would choose 33 over 45 nearly every time. Wish I had gotten that Cisco pressing but it was sold out long before I knew about it.

Hoping that the 45s take a long time to sell out and Chad needs to start putting out 33s again. Based on most peoples' reactions to the KoB 45 for $150, i take it that title won't sell out anytime soon. Even lots of 45 enthusiasts seem to say they are passing on this one.
Yeah, I will probably pick up the 2x45 and keep my OG that way if I am spinning and don’t wanna worry about flipping I can still have that option. Though TBH, if I am too busy to flip I would probably just listen digitally anyhow.
The original AB sounds so good that it may not be that much of an upgrade. I will probably buy the standard 45 as well bc it’s my favorite album, but no shot I’m paying for the UHQR.
Intervention does a similar thing with their release details. Hoping that the MoFi stuff at least causes more companies to be more transparent.

The most interesting part of the MoFi "scandal" is that there doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to which pressings of theirs sound best based on what the sources are. Some of the best sounding MoFis came from DSD64. Some of their worst sounding cuts were AAA. I'm hoping that this at least will make more people think that digital sources aren't some kind of audiophile boogeyman anymore. Based on comments on reddit/some FB groups though, not sure that's what most people have taken away from it. Lots of comments about MoFi putting SACDs on vinyl or people saying that since they used DSD they could have made limitless amounts of records.

Some people are just dumb and don’t understand that the master recording requires different mastering for each medium it goes on. Also that these audiophile labels don’t own the recording and are limited to the number that they’ve managed to licence off the person who does own it.
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I may be alone here, but has anyone been somewhat exhausted by the last few months of audiophile talk, on top of the cost of things these days? Recently I’ve been going through my collection and found so many treasures from over the years that I almost forgot about. Sure, I always enjoy a great sounding record, but what really got me into collecting was discovering new music. And there’s so much older stuff that already sounds great.

I feel like over these last few years there’s been so many reissues of the same stuff, at higher costs, and almost like a race to collect all these audiophile releases as fast as possible before they skyrocket. Most of it is excellent, but part of me feels exhausted by it all. This recent MoFi shenanigans and the cost of audiophile records (or even most new records) really has me going back to collecting to search for great older presses in the wild or new music in local shops and whatnot. In a way, it almost became too easy to buy the best of the best online.

That’s the end of my rant, but felt like this was the only place where someone may relate. My wife could care less!

I agree completely. I've been on a forced vinyl hiatus for a while due to a house renovation. I haven't listened to a record since December and I definitely miss it but streaming has been ok. I do listen to music a lot less now but that is also because of my living situation now but, that being said, I have only bought a few new releases since then and I'm ok with that. We'll see if that holds when I get my setup back but, at least for a while, the $0.00 balance in my savings may have something to say about that.

I do see a lot of "it's supposed to be about the music" posts on other sites (one in particular) when these new releases come out and people don't want/can't afford to pay for them. I get that to some extent but in my view it's Ok to buy something to just for the sake of collecting. Collecting is a hobby and people do it all the time with things are supposed to be consumable or usable for a period of time. Wine is supposed to be drunk, stamps to be mailed, star wars toys to be played with, etc... I know that there are (or maybe were thanks to MoFi) a lot of flippers out there but most don't buy to flip and if people want to buy these releases that's ok with me.
Looks like AS charges shipping for any preorder regardless of how much you spend, and they won't let you use PayPal on any preorders, either - was gonna stick it on PP Credit. Honestly thinking I'm just gonna wait til the KoB 45 comes in stock next week. What do we think, 25,000 copies - should be safe?
Looks like AS charges shipping for any preorder regardless of how much you spend, and they won't let you use PayPal on any preorders, either - was gonna stick it on PP Credit. Honestly thinking I'm just gonna wait til the KoB 45 comes in stock next week. What do we think, 25,000 copies - should be safe?
i'd be completely shocked if this sold out in presale. just based on comments across multiple forums, this one should be in stock for a loooong time. a lot of people got the 33 and can't justify the massive price hike for the 45 (I think the 33 was $99).
i'd be completely shocked if this sold out in presale. just based on comments across multiple forums, this one should be in stock for a loooong time. a lot of people got the 33 and can't justify the massive price hike for the 45 (I think the 33 was $99).
Yup. $50 hike from the 33. I've just been looking forward to this one for a long time, and excited to A/B with my MoFi, though I'm sure most have already tossed that comparison out the window! 😂