Definitive Audiophile pressings

I may be alone here, but has anyone been somewhat exhausted by the last few months of audiophile talk, on top of the cost of things these days? Recently I’ve been going through my collection and found so many treasures from over the years that I almost forgot about. Sure, I always enjoy a great sounding record, but what really got me into collecting was discovering new music. And there’s so much older stuff that already sounds great.

I feel like over these last few years there’s been so many reissues of the same stuff, at higher costs, and almost like a race to collect all these audiophile releases as fast as possible before they skyrocket. Most of it is excellent, but part of me feels exhausted by it all. This recent MoFi shenanigans and the cost of audiophile records (or even most new records) really has me going back to collecting to search for great older presses in the wild or new music in local shops and whatnot. In a way, it almost became too easy to buy the best of the best online.

That’s the end of my rant, but felt like this was the only place where someone may relate. My wife could care less!
One of my best record-related decisions in recent years was setting up a record instagram account to post daily. Its really helped me re-discover records in my collection and delve deeper into the nitty gritty bits of them.

Similar to these collection play-throughs that some people on here have been doing which I think is a really fun idea.
I may be alone here, but has anyone been somewhat exhausted by the last few months of audiophile talk, on top of the cost of things these days? Recently I’ve been going through my collection and found so many treasures from over the years that I almost forgot about. Sure, I always enjoy a great sounding record, but what really got me into collecting was discovering new music. And there’s so much older stuff that already sounds great.

I feel like over these last few years there’s been so many reissues of the same stuff, at higher costs, and almost like a race to collect all these audiophile releases as fast as possible before they skyrocket. Most of it is excellent, but part of me feels exhausted by it all. This recent MoFi shenanigans and the cost of audiophile records (or even most new records) really has me going back to collecting to search for great older presses in the wild or new music in local shops and whatnot. In a way, it almost became too easy to buy the best of the best online.

That’s the end of my rant, but felt like this was the only place where someone may relate. My wife could care less!
Nope definitely not alone. For me it felt like an arms race I knew I would never win. Once you step off the track (like quitting VMP) it feels much better.
I may be alone here, but has anyone been somewhat exhausted by the last few months of audiophile talk, on top of the cost of things these days? Recently I’ve been going through my collection and found so many treasures from over the years that I almost forgot about. Sure, I always enjoy a great sounding record, but what really got me into collecting was discovering new music. And there’s so much older stuff that already sounds great.

I feel like over these last few years there’s been so many reissues of the same stuff, at higher costs, and almost like a race to collect all these audiophile releases as fast as possible before they skyrocket. Most of it is excellent, but part of me feels exhausted by it all. This recent MoFi shenanigans and the cost of audiophile records (or even most new records) really has me going back to collecting to search for great older presses in the wild or new music in local shops and whatnot. In a way, it almost became too easy to buy the best of the best online.

That’s the end of my rant, but felt like this was the only place where someone may relate. My wife could care less!
I've largely been trying to find cheaper great sounding reissues for a lot. Definitely still fall prey to some of the higher end stuff, but I cancelled a bunch of One Step preorders and have been streaming way more lately.

Whenever my wife has trouble falling asleep, she asks me to tell her what's going on in the world of records. Told her about the MoFi lawsuit the other night and she passed out pretty much immediately 🤣
Damn just buy a 6 eye for that price.
i agree the price is crazy...but good luck finding a 6 eye in decent condition for $150. A G+ 6 eye is $115 on discogs. Anything VG+ or better and you're looking at spending $300+ .

Oof, can’t say I’m surprised but this is pretty much what I’m talking about. I can’t justify the prices anymore.

I'll really be curious to see how many of these 2x45 UHQRs they sell overall with the new pricing. Especially considering there were 25k copies of the 33 UHQR for $99 and I'd be surprised if the 45 is a substantial upgrade over that.
i agree the price is crazy...but good luck finding a 6 eye in decent condition for $150. A G+ 6 eye is $115 on discogs. Anything VG+ or better and you're looking at spending $300+ .

I'll really be curious to see how many of these 2x45 UHQRs they sell overall with the new pricing. Especially considering there were 25k copies of the 33 UHQR for $99 and I'd be surprised if the 45 is a substantial upgrade over that.
That was in jest, you really don't need a 6 eye for good sound off these tapes. My 1970 ST copy is just fine. It has no eyes for $40...

With shipping and tax (for some states), this new threshold is pushing very close to $200. People will pay it but not sure how many.
One of my best record-related decisions in recent years was setting up a record instagram account to post daily. Its really helped me re-discover records in my collection and delve deeper into the nitty gritty bits of them.

Similar to these collection play-throughs that some people on here have been doing which I think is a really fun idea.
I enjoy the Make a Vinyl Stack thread for this too. Nice when someone else picks some records off your Discogs that you haven't been thinking about.
I'll really be curious to see how many of these 2x45 UHQRs they sell overall with the new pricing. Especially considering there were 25k copies of the 33 UHQR for $99 and I'd be surprised if the 45 is a substantial upgrade over that.
Me too, I know the 33 sold well and I certainly don’t need an upgrade from that, but another 25K is a lot of records. I’m sure just like the 45RPM MoFi that got repressed a year before the AP33 there will be people trying to dump the 33 for the 45. It’s an exhausting cycle.
I've found personally that discovering the world of Japanese OGs has somewhat ironically helped me with slowing down. I find it really fun to try to find good pressings of classic stuff I may be missing, but I also have to wait for a NM copy to actually show up. So I can do the research but then I just have to wait. And I'm fine with that.
That was in jest, you really don't need a 6 eye for good sound off these tapes. My 1970 ST copy is just fine. It has no eyes for $40...

With shipping and tax (for some states), this new threshold is pushing very close to $200. People will pay it but not sure how many.
I personally have way too many copies of this album. The 33 UHQR is my favorite but you're right that a lot of the early pressings sound great if you can find a clean one. Even the RKS mono is quite nice and would be more than good enough for most people. And that can be found for $25.

Had AP not done the 33 UHQR, I could see this selling well.
I've found personally that discovering the world of Japanese OGs has somewhat ironically helped me with slowing down. I find it really fun to try to find good pressings of classic stuff I may be missing, but I also have to wait for a NM copy to actually show up. So I can do the research but then I just have to wait. And I'm fine with that.

It made me go crazy and now I’m trying to pretend it doesn’t exist…