Definitive Audiophile pressings

Somebody on reddit got into an argument with me and he said I was an idiot for thinking that the Pearl 45RPM would get a repress now that the One Step was announced. He offered to buy me a copy of it if it got restocked before the One Step came out. I looked back today just out of curiosity and he just deleted his account haha.
Reddit is the worst, along with pretty much every single other social media platform out there.
If anyone wants Love - Forever Changes and doesn't want to spend $50, I have this copy and the reviews indicate that it is as good, if not better than the MoFi. It's Bellers and sounds wonderful.

I also have this one and it sounds nice. Probably a mono fold down:

the 45 RPM MoFi is very tempting for me though...
If anyone wants Love - Forever Changes and doesn't want to spend $50, I have this copy and the reviews indicate that it is as good, if not better than the MoFi. It's Bellers and sounds wonderful.

It is great. Since his ratings were just brought up, Fremer gave that one a 10 for sound. And an 11 for music.

I sold mine before I moved in early 2020 for $850. Should’ve put it in storage, would’ve paid for itself!
Repeat after me Joe...

... your smiffy mastered MOV mono is good enough, your smiffy mastered MOV mono is good enough... really need the MoFi, you really need the Mofi....'ll never see it so cheap again.....


edit - I'm sure the spiffy MOV is all you really need
Sell some more fomo vmp and treat yourself my Irish’s st paddy’s day after all 🍺🥃

Ive a few listed but no bites recently. I think my big sales in January (I had a €75 cogs fees bill that month 😱) were down to people with Christmas money and people bored and locked down! In all seriousness I have a few priorities above this one, the smiffy mastered MOV monos from 2010 really were very good indeed!