Everything Video Games!

I'm going to start playing Hades myself soon, just trying to decide what I want to buy it for. Is your partner playing on Switch? If so, any issues?

Also, SOMA was rad. What did you think?
SOMA was great! I'm playing so much catch-up on lots of long-hyped releases. This one was brought up when watching Underwater and Leviathan, since we were in an aquatic horror movie mood. I set it down for a couple months with only a few stations to complete, so we crushed that last bit the other night finally. Now, I just need to remember where I left off near the end of Bendy and the Ink Machine a couple years ago and find some closure there.

Sounds like no issues whatsoever with HADES on Switch — though he tends to prefer most games on Switch anyway. Two thumbs way up. It's been a fun one to watch AND you can pet the dog.
Congrats! It's been fun watching your progress (and as you lap my Remastered run, which I've temporarily abandoned for Hades). I'm curious to see what you make of the other Soulsbourne games; DS1 is the hardest IMO (though I hear Demons Souls is ever more gnarly; alas, I won't know for a couple of years until I advance to the newest gen), so you might have more fun, especially as you'll be tuned into the vibe. I've beat DS3 the most times, but most people consider Bloodbourne to be the masterpiece.
Thank you! I really struggled with the original Demon's Souls, so I never came close to finishing it. I also have Bloodbourne and I started it last year, but some other game came out that pulled me away and I didn't go back. I was also playing Horizon at the same time as my "cooldown" game, but didn't finish it either. If I remember right I had either just beaten or was working on Darkbeast Paarl. I do want to go back and finish both games.
SOMA was great! I'm playing so much catch-up on lots of long-hyped releases. This one was brought up when watching Underwater and Leviathan, since we were in an aquatic horror movie mood. I set it down for a couple months with only a few stations to complete, so we crushed that last bit the other night finally. Now, I just need to remember where I left off near the end of Bendy and the Ink Machine a couple years ago and find some closure there.

Sounds like no issues whatsoever with HADES on Switch — though he tends to prefer most games on Switch anyway. Two thumbs way up. It's been a fun one to watch AND you can pet the dog.
Glad to hear you liked SOMA, that one caught me by surprise. Also glad to hear no issues with the Switch version of Hades, now I'm kicking myself for not buying it last week when it was on sale. I prefer switch too, so I can play on the couch while watching stuff, but I've seen some issues here and there with multiplatform releases on the system.
Thank you! I really struggled with the original Demon's Souls, so I never came close to finishing it. I also have Bloodbourne and I started it last year, but some other game came out that pulled me away and I didn't go back. I was also playing Horizon at the same time as my "cooldown" game, but didn't finish it either. If I remember right I had either just beaten or was working on Darkbeast Paarl. I do want to go back and finish both games.
I can't remember if I beat Darkbeast Paarl. I think I got stuck a bit after at
the trio of hunters in Yahar'gul Chapel and Eileen the Crow in the Cathedral Ward (optional).
Been so long, I might as well restart Bloodborne fresh at this point. Even though I never finished it, it's definitely one of my top games.
after several calls, hours waiting for chat support, etc.. I'm still waiting for my Stadia Premiere Edition email. I've basically been told to wait and keep checking my emails.
to make me further frustrated, I have a family plan that a couple of my friends use and the offer works for them too. well one of them signed up and already got the Premiere Edition email in less than an hour and I've been waiting for over a day and spent most of my morning trying to get support from Google.
As a child I was always one video game system behind the curve. My parents wouldn't pay for them so I had to do it with my own money. So I got a SN when the N64 came out, etc. I didn't even get the switch for like 9 months because I just played Zelda on my WiiU.

I woke up today and decided I'm 37, have disposable income, just went through one of the worst weeks of my life and that I wanted to reward myself with a PS5 (daddy's gotta have his Demon's Souls). Somehow I lucked out earlier when Amazon had them and was able to snag one.
As a child I was always one video game system behind the curve. My parents wouldn't pay for them so I had to do it with my own money. So I got a SN when the N64 came out, etc. I didn't even get the switch for like 9 months because I just played Zelda on my WiiU.

I woke up today and decided I'm 37, have disposable income, just went through one of the worst weeks of my life and that I wanted to reward myself with a PS5 (daddy's gotta have his Demon's Souls). Somehow I lucked out earlier when Amazon had them and was able to snag one.
Nice! Enjoy the hell out of that. You earned it 🔥
As a child I was always one video game system behind the curve. My parents wouldn't pay for them so I had to do it with my own money. So I got a SN when the N64 came out, etc. I didn't even get the switch for like 9 months because I just played Zelda on my WiiU.

I woke up today and decided I'm 37, have disposable income, just went through one of the worst weeks of my life and that I wanted to reward myself with a PS5 (daddy's gotta have his Demon's Souls). Somehow I lucked out earlier when Amazon had them and was able to snag one.
I'm in the same position as you, had a couple consoles growing up but my parents really didn't like video games. Now I'm 35 and my PS5 is supposed to be delivered today. Really looking forward to it.
ABZU is on sale on the Nintendo Switch eShop for $1.99. apparently it's a must play title, especially at this price.
It's a steal at that price! It's from the team that made Journey and Flower, so if you like either of those this is a must have.

Yeah, Abzu is a wonderful experience. Worth ten times that price. Also, if anyone is interested in The Pathless on the PS5, Abzu is the previous game done by that team.
I keep seeing those things popping up and am kind of confused. Is it a handheld that just has Mario Bros. on it? The "Game & Watch" name is confusing. Looks pretty cool though.
The answer is yes.
The clear plastic cover indicates it’s super Mario bros and when you pull it back it’s a game and watch.

It’s super Mario bros
Super Mario bros the lost levels
Ball game