Bittersweet day over here at The Dark Souls Updates, as this will be the final one. My main New Years Resolution was officially completed last night. I beat Dark Souls! I was struggling with Gwyn a little bit, so I took a closer look at my setup. I was using the Grass Crest Shield for dat stamina buff, but found it not the greatest at physical or fire damage blocking. I started looking through my shields and came to a realization: I'm playing a cleric, but I was failing to praise the gosh dang sun! I say the Sunlight Shield, which had better physical and fire resistance, as well as higher stability, while losing the stamina buff. I decided to embrace the shield, having enough resources to get it to +11. I also upgraded my armor a bit, and went back for revenge. My first rematch was a complete request, Gwyn decided to be very kick happy. I took my time and slowly whittled down his health. One final failed attempt to turn my guts to mash with his foot, and I finished him off. I took one final moment to praise the sun, and lit the final bonfire. Roll credits. When I awoke, I was back at the beginning, but with all my stuff (New Game +). I let out a laugh and sprinted for the Asylum Demon, and proceeded to thoroughly hand it their ass. Didn't even both blocking, just went full in with a flurry of attacks. I made my way to firelink, and decided to take a long rest. I may return to this place one day, but for now, other games beckon my time.
Also, I started Spritfarer earlier this week, and I've fallen for it HARD.