Panera Ciabatta Diapers
Well-Known Diaper Baby
Finally got around beating Streets of Rage 4.
Its fantastic! Highly recommended if anyone grew up with the Streets of Rage for the Genesis / Mega Drive.
Its a bit longer than the original series and probably feels that way if you straight up try to finish it in 1 go but its OK as you can save and pick it back up later between stages. Feel like there's a ton of replay-ability as they have a lot of unlocks for characters (include the 16-bit sprite versions of the old SoR games - along with their own original moves).
Is it longer? I haven't played SoR 1-3 in a while but those are my jams. SoR4 seemed shorter. I think it plays through in around 2.5-3 hours?
I really enjoy it. If anyone enjoys the classic beat-em up of the first three then SoR 4 reminds you why it's the king. It does have a lot of replayability (I've gone through it about 8-9 times now) with different characters. I like how they all have different playing styles that give them a new experience (although tactics for types of enemies remain similar) - unlike, say, SoR 1 where characters were, more or less, the same. I haven't played any of the other modes besides the story and haven't played online with anyone; however, I'm not sure the $25 point I paid on Steam was great. I think it's more of a $15-20 game. But I don't regret buying it.
I've now played through w/ all four new characters + unlockable Adam, SoR 1 Blaze, SoR 3 Skate, and SoR 3 Shiva.
In the old games Axel was my shit. I actually don't love him here. He's slow and lumbering and just not that much fun. Heck, Floyd is slow AF but he is just so much fun to play as just smashing baddies together. First playthrough was Blaze. I had some trouble with Max and then the twins at the end, but was able to figure it out.
Cherry was my second playthrough. She was much more fun than Blaze - due largely to her speed, running, and ability to bounce around on enemies. Yes, she's the weakest but you can chain together attacks so well with her. I made it through the game much easier with her than Blaze, but I also had the benefit of more experience. As I said, Floyd was also fun for his power but his slowness was annoying. My favorite of the new four (+ unlockable Adam) is Adam. I felt he was the best compromise between the speed and power of the other four (stronger than Blaze/Cherry and faster than Floyd/Axel). I was able to move around pretty quickly with him and found him a joy to play.
I will say, that it's actually all the unlockable characters that I either had the most fun with or made it through fastest with. I thought the SoR 1 characters would be rough: crappy Star move (honestly, I hardly use the Star moves any way) and no special moves. But somehow I just wiped the floor with enemies as Blaze from SoR 1. I don't know what it was (maybe her finishing combo windmill that takes out enemies behind you), but she was like a hot knife through a butter stick.
My ultimate favorite character: Shiva. Okay, you can't pick up any weapons as him but, boy oh boy, he just glides around the screen. Total blast to play. I'll give an honorable mention to Skate (I played as SoR 3 version). I actually hardly played as him back in the Sega days. But he was really fun to play. That lil shit just flies around the screen ramming assholes like a wheeled up goat. Good times.