Xenoblade 3 just ran me through the wringer and I’m not even done with it yet. Good gravy.
Ah yes, I think I know exactly where you are…
I spent the couple of weeks on XC3 post-game content: leveling up my party to 99, exploring high-level areas, and hunting down unique monsters/superbosses. Finally arrived at a party composition that I really like, but now I’m done with the game!
A few more general thoughts on the XC series. My last year of gaming was basically dedicated to the three main series titles in order (I fired up XC: Definitive Edition sometime last fall, followed it up with XC2 this spring/summer, and am now basically done with my first XC3 playthrough), well over 500 hours in total.
Even though I don’t consider myself a “100%, all-achievements completionist,” there’s no way around the fact that these games are major timesinks: I only completed a single playthrough on each one. When it comes to JRPGs I usually enjoy doing subsequent playthroughs but I have not been able to muster the energy for that with the XC games.
Perhaps because I’ve only experienced a single run through each one, I feel unable to rank these titles. I can say that XC3 has the most polished gameplay, XC1 the best story, and yet XC2 is the one I put the most hours into. None of the games are flawless, but overall I’ve found them ultimately so enjoyable that Xenoblade has surpassed Final Fantasy as my favorite RPG series. In fact, Xenoblade effectively filled the void that was left once Squaresoft stopped making classic FF games (the way I see it, XC1 picks up where FFXII left off).
Anyway, this is my Xenoblade Chronicles love letter. I might have to take a break from gaming for a while (again, the World Cup) and I’m not sure what’s next. I have FFVIII and FFX in my backlog. I’m afraid I’ll get too hooked on Persona 5. I’m also considering NieR: Automata. I might finally bite on those new Mario Kart tracks. Or maybe I’ll just play XC2: Torna