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Norco is a masterpiece. Finished it last night and will be thinking about it for quite awhile.

Beautifully written, gorgeously presented and, like Disco Elysium, extremely thought provoking in it's themes and the way merges the surreal with the mundane.

Between my fondness for Night in the Woods, Norco and Disco Elysium... I'm realizing hyper-literate games are definitely my bag. Gonna check out Kentucky Route Zero next time a get an itch for this type of game. But it may be a while as I've started up Horizon FW and plan on tackling Earthbound too.
Norco is a masterpiece. Finished it last night and will be thinking about it for quite awhile.

Beautifully written, gorgeously presented and, like Disco Elysium, extremely thought provoking in it's themes and the way merges the surreal with the mundane.

Started this one because it features music from Thou. I think I'm still in act one. Gotta get back to this soon.
Between my fondness for Night in the Woods, Norco and Disco Elysium... I'm realizing hyper-literate games are definitely my bag. Gonna check out Kentucky Route Zero next time a get an itch for this type of game. But it may be a while as I've started up Horizon FW and plan on tackling Earthbound too.
um I love all those games
Oddly hyped to play Armored Core tonight. I've become such a Fromsoft fanboy; most of their titles are must-buys for me, and I can't say the same for any other publisher/developer, except maybe Kojima.
Have any of you guys ever owned the XBox Elite controller? And if so did it last or start to fail within a year?
Oddly hyped to play Armored Core tonight. I've become such a Fromsoft fanboy; most of their titles are must-buys for me, and I can't say the same for any other publisher/developer, except maybe Kojima.

All the companies I feel this way about have been run into the ground and dealt with massive talent drain (BioWare, Platinum, Rockstar). The lone exception is Remedy... so hopefully Alan Wake 2 hits as hard as Control.

As to Armored Core, I might actually give it a spin after a price drop because it sounds like From has removed all the shit that drives me up a fucking wall with there games. Namely how much progress you lose upon death. And somebody compared it to a Platinum game (Vanquish) this morning on a pod-- which is an all-timer for me so...
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All the companies I feel this way about have been run into the ground and dealt with massive talent drain (BioWare, Platinum, Rockstar). The lone exception is Remedy... so hopefully Alan Wake 2 hits as hard as Control.

The AW2 trailer from gamescom def looks like some heavy Control influence, so that's promising. I saw a lot of the AW remaster when my partner played, and my one gripe was how samey the combat seemed throughout. Flashlight, bang bang, walk. AW2 looks trippy af, and I hope it is.
All the companies I feel this way about have been run into the ground and dealt with massive talent drain (BioWare, Platinum, Rockstar). The lone exception is Remedy... so hopefully Alan Wake 2 hits as hard as Control.

As to Armored Core, I might actually give it a spin after a price drop because it sounds like From has removed all the shit that drives me up a fucking wall with there games. Namely how much progress you lose upon death. And somebody compared it to a Platinum game (Vanquish) this morning on a pod-- which is an all-timer for me so...
Funny you mention the lack of losing progress or some penalty for death, because after two hours of playing last night my major thoughts are:
  1. This is fun; robot go bang bang
  2. Losing nothing on death lowers the stakes
  3. The mission-oriented structure is giving me a lack of sense of advancement (so far)
  4. Still, robot go bang bang
Funny you mention the lack of losing progress or some penalty for death, because after two hours of playing last night my major thoughts are:
  1. This is fun; robot go bang bang
  2. Losing nothing on death lowers the stakes
  3. The mission-oriented structure is giving me a lack of sense of advancement (so far)
  4. Still, robot go bang bang

I feel that a little bit because the stakes were so high at times during Metroid Prime until I leveled up my gear to the point it didn't matter.

But as a 36 year old that doesn't have enough time to juggle my obsession with all the arts, the NBA and a social life... I hate losing 2 hours of progress because I died. And more importantly, I loathe having to recollect health potions and treck across a map just to lose for the tenth time against a boss.

That isn't fun to me. That's a game intentionally wasting my time.

And I'd consider myself a B+ gamer so it's not like I just suck at gaming. I play about half of the games I beat on hard. Ghosts of Tsushima, Cyberpunk, Jedi Fallen Order and Rift Apart being recent examples. With naturally difficult games like Prime, Control and Ori being examples of games I left on normal.

That said, I fully acknowledge that timing on boss paterns is something I'm a beat weaker on which is probably part of the problem. The combot vs enemies within the world is enjoyable. The bosses (and repetion of prepping for them) were what stone walled me in Bloodborne.

And either way, I'm glad people love their games. So much of todays AAA gaming feels sanded the fuck down to ensure ease of accessibility. I just happen to think From Software takes it a bridge too far. And I'm okay being in the minority on that.
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What a great year for games.
it's been pretty nuts, and that's despite Gollum and Red Fall's efforts to bring down the year's batting average.

the only problem with a year like this is when smaller great games get swept under the shadows of the biggest releases... I'm not even an JRPG guy but I'm really interested in Sea Of Stars, but with Starfield just around the bend I'm not sure I'd find the time for it... nevermind my Switch backlog, I still haven't played Bayonetta 3 and I got that for Christmas last year