Everything Video Games!

Did some maintenance on this bad boy tonight. Was overheating and turning on by itself, which the internet told me was caused by rot from the clock capacitor, and lo and behold. Popped it open, pulled that thing out like a bad tooth, cleaned the acid off woth alcohol, pieced her back tonight and voila.




Partially! It was to get the clock capacitor out. It's still havin some issues, so think there's probably some more acid in there or some traces that need to be soldered which may be beyond me. Glad it's not continuously leaking anymore, though!
I've got a few retro consoles I need to start doing that kind of thing to. I need to get some soldering practice in first. Had good fun getting a PS2 tidied up, but that didn't involve any major work.
Finished Final Fantasy 16 today, and I am unfortunately not very impressed. Some highlights for sure, but of the many FF games I've played, this one is among my least favorite.

The good stuff: it looks and sounds quite good. Top notch production design. The boss fights are spectacular, a couple in the middle are monumental in scale and a lot of fun. The combat feels really good too and is probably what saw me through to the end.

The bad stuff: Almost everything that doesn't involve a massive boss fight is profoundly boring. This game has Yoshi P, the same producer as FF14 (an MMO) and you can tell. Fetch quests, errand quests, what from this point of the map to the other then back quests... it's all padding and very, very boring. And the characters. Clive is a solid protagonist, and this iteration of Cid (voiced by Ralph Ineson of The Witch, Game of Thrones etc) is great, but there's no other interesting characters to speak of. There's no traditional party either, so it really feels like you're out on your own. The story starts like an interesting riff on GoT, but quickly devolves into generic JRPG, kill god and save the world shit. Had to force myself through the last few hours cus I just didn't care.

So yeah, a bummer. I was a fan of FF14 for a while, but I just don't think Yoshi P's storytelling style translated well to a single player game. And based on the muted reception to the latest expansion, it might seem that FF is in need of another breath of fresh air.

Although I did hear FF7 Rebirth ruled, so after a bit of a break, I'm going to finally hit up the FF7 remake, and check that one out.
revisited Hyper Light Drifter this week!! such a fantastic game, but man that dashing mechanic is really annoying to get a handle of. wasn’t trying to do anything in particular this time around at first, just wanted to play it casually, but i caved in and tried to get the One Shot achievement cleared (where you have to beat the entire game without ever dying).

after two days of going at it straight, i did the deed! was difficult af for sure

Started Shadow of the Erdtree this week, and immediately forgot the thing From Soft has been trying to teach since DS1 - the obvious path in front of you isn't necessarily where you should go first. Without spoiling too much, I went across the bridge first and proceeded to get my head caved in by anything and everything over there. Went back and found some offshoot areas that were much more manageable.

The first dungeon that I found was some straight nightmare fuel. Could have gone my whole life without FS opening the lid on THAT. Also pretty wild they got Disney to allow them to use Episode 2 Yoda for the boss fight.
Best Buy has a deal where over 10 days they're selling 10 games for $10. it's already a few days in and at least to me looks like today's is no longer available, but might be worth checking each morning for the next week

Skull and Bones yesterday :ROFLMAO:. Ubisoft just wanting ANYONE to actually buy it.
Tell me more about The Finals. Never heard of it.
it's a Free To Play, objective based, FPS shooter.

multiple game modes. all team based. super fast and fluid. ridiculously destructible environments. incredible music. awesome presentation. cool and super friendly Battle Pass. some of the coolest/fun cosmetics. etc, etc...

made by former Battlefield as well as Mirror's Edge developers and looks exactly like a combination of the two.

it's on the 3rd Season currently (about halfway through), with each Season being around 90 days each. to be honest, this season has not been everyone's favorite, as to fix the previous Ranked Mode they sidelined it and made ranked a different mode that's pretty much universally not loved.

anyway, don't want to blabber too much about it, but simply put I fucking love it and can't stop playing it (despite S3 not being the best).

I wish I could find a good, quick video that explains everything, but they're either too long, or just not great, so here are the trailers which give a bit of a taste...

TL;DR - I'm not a competitive FPS guy, but I can't stop playing this game since I started around January.
Best Buy has a deal where over 10 days they're selling 10 games for $10. it's already a few days in and at least to me looks like today's is no longer available, but might be worth checking each morning for the next week

Kind of annoyed I missed Fitness Boxing. Believe it or not that’s a decent workout, even if the songs get old faaaaaast. But for ten bones? Sure.