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I've been chipping away at Ghostwire: Tokyo and am currently toward the end of Chapter 4 (of 6). Been rather enjoying it, too!

It's chock full of optional collection and investigation side quests, and I kind of revel in those. The "urgency" of the main plot is no impediment to me just gliding from rooftop to rooftop, saving souls from the villain's mass reaping, tracking down yokai, cleansing corruption, and hunting for artifacts. It's proving to be a great game for unwinding with.
I've been chipping away at Ghostwire: Tokyo and am currently toward the end of Chapter 4 (of 6). Been rather enjoying it, too!

It's chock full of optional collection and investigation side quests, and I kind of revel in those. The "urgency" of the main plot is no impediment to me just gliding from rooftop to rooftop, saving souls from the villain's mass reaping, tracking down yokai, cleansing corruption, and hunting for artifacts. It's proving to be a great game for unwinding with.

I tried playing this back in December and couldn’t get into it. Exploring the city and a lot of the side content was fun but I didn’t care for the critical path stuff or the combat so I dropped it
What I meant was it's not a game that stands out, is exceptional and what not. But it's a good game still. It's not a bad game.
yeah that makes sense. I find I play a lot of games that I really, really enjoy but then see not many people claim it's the best game ever or something universally acclaimed, but still a decent game.
yeah that makes sense. I find I play a lot of games that I really, really enjoy but then see not many people claim it's the best game ever or something universally acclaimed, but still a decent game.
And the game is for sure al to better than you see in most reviews.

From what I understand, the fact that the game is "too woke" is why it gets a lot of hate. For example, you can create characters that are non-binary. One main story character questions her gender identity and start's going by "they/them" and you can crush on same sex characters in the dialog / game choices.
My son wants to convert me to the religion of Monster Hunter, so I may be starting up Wilds soonish.
Please let me know how that game is and if I should check it out. I have heard it mentioned so much, but I'm not sure if it's something I would be into or not.

Also, for anyone that knows, is it more of a RPN or MMO?
I downloaded this a while back and want to check it out soonish, but my play time has been nothing but Horizon 1 and 2 since we got the PS5 because I've discovered that open-world action RPGs like these and BOTW are my catnip.
1) have you played The Witcher 3?
2) a backlog recommendation: consider Days Gone. It’s not the same degree as HZ, but the open world and post apocalyptic horror was really enjoyable. I likened it as a cross between HZ & The Last of Us
1) have you played The Witcher 3?
2) a backlog recommendation: consider Days Gone. It’s not the same degree as HZ, but the open world and post apocalyptic horror was really enjoyable. I likened it as a cross between HZ & The Last of Us
I haven't played any Witcher games, although I've heard this is a case where it's ok to jump in at 3?

I'll keep Days Gone in mind, looks like a remaster is coming out next month.
Unpopular Opinion: Gwent sucks
