February 2025 Spin Challenge

Day 19 - Tug Of War Day - Play something by someone you or others have a less than favorable opinion of at one point in time.


Bloc Party - Silent Alarm

As someone who was in high school 20 years ago, when Silent Alarm debuted, I am a massive Bloc Party apologist. Silent Alarm is perfect. Weekend is great. I even like Flux and will defend Four. I even have positive things to say about Kele's solo debut The Boxer. But Bloc Party is just not the same without the OG rhythm section.

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Hell yeah. I got into Bloc Party around the time I got my drivers license and their first two albums were the soundtracks to so many late night drives with friends.
Day 20 - Love Your Pet Day - Play something reminding you of a pet you've had.

These days my main use of Instagram is to post a #kaispins story, when my cat decides to hang out by the record player.

Going with this one, as I think its the only time the artist has actually responded to one of my posts. This pic of Kai got a 🔥 back from Herb (or whoever maintains his account) back in 2023.

Herb Alpert's Tijuana Brass ~ Whipped Cream & Other Delights


Day 20: Love Your Pet Day
Play something reminding you of a pet you've had.

Jerry Garcia Band - Cats Under The Stars
Our cats, Prince and Trixie are wonderful. We adopted them at just 6 weeks old and are now just about a month away from turning 2. I work from home and they’ve spent like 90% of their lives with me. I think they think I’m their mother.
Day 17 - National Random Acts Of Kindness Day - Play something by an artist that has proven they think of others.

Hiss Golden Messenger - Poor Moon

The message shows that, and always being a part of something better. One of my faves and something I put on to feel better about things.

Day 19 - Tug Of War Day - Play something by someone you or others have a less than favorable opinion of at one point in time.

Young Fathers – Heavy Heavy

I didnt much like these cats at all the first time or two I heard them. But a friend gave me this last year because she loved it and figured I should have it. It's done a lot to change my initial opinion, for sure.
Day 20 - Love Your Pet Day - Play something reminding you of a pet you've had.

The Philadelphia International All-Stars – Let's Clean Up The Ghetto

"Old Man, don’t you worry; Somebody gonna take care of you"

My wife's and my first six months together coincided with the last six months in the life of her cat Blue, who lived a little over 20 years. He adopted me pretty much immediately and started sleeping at my feet on my side of the bed. He was rickety and slow, and I felt similar arriving back at her place after my 9-10 hour days in an extremely busy kitchen; we would often just "old man" out on the bed for an hour or two when I got home. Despite my only sharing 1/40th of his life with him, his final trip the the vet was incredibly hard--especially trying to be a rock for my wife, who was saying goodbye to the cat who had been with her since she was a teenager. This spin, particularly, "Old People," was for Blue. As a bonus, it was one of the small handful of records I'd acquired before his passing.
Day 19 - Tug Of War Day - Play something by someone you or others have a less than favorable opinion of at one point in time.

Paul & Linda McCartney "Ram" (1971 Apple; 1975 Japanese reissue)
Apparently, this was initially not well liked by critics, but is now considered one of McCartney's top solo records.

Day 19 - Tug Of War Day - Play something by someone you or others have a less than favorable opinion of at one point in time
Tom Waits "Rain Dogs"
Tom Waits was always just a name I heard, never heard his music just heard the name. Each time it was either the most positive thing you could imagine or this guy makes unlistenable music! One day I finally said I should really find out what the hubbub was all about and see which side I'd fall on and you can look up the Tom Waits thread to see way too many words about his catalogue! I still have friends that don't like him and friends who love him so the tug of war continues!
Day 21 - No One Eats Alone Day - Have a fellow member pick a record for you to play, or play something you know another member loves.

Thanks @gafacaode !

Happy Mondays ~ Pills 'N' Thrills And Bellyaches


Edited to add: Apparently Kai enjoyed yesterday, so he's getting his Kinky Afro on now.

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