Hip Hop

I really don't get this argument that we hear over and over. If these sell out in a week or even two like he's expecting, he's making at least $60 per album subtracting for packing and shipping. So $90,000 profit. He can fork over another $15000 of that to press more if he wanted to. And I bet you they are cheaper than $10/per. I don't get how the numbers make sense for this argument.

Love the dudes work, but this kind of shit just makes me hate the crazy resell market. He could take a out a loan or something to press more. The market prices are literally proof that he hasn't pressed enough.

The mentality of him and others that resellers are hurting them is baffling.
The other argument I have been seeing from people buying it is that he has to sell it at that price to make profit (which is laughable at best). I don't see what's preventing him from doing something like Qrates. The Qrates model, IMO, is one of the best ones out there for fans AND indie artists. Have a 30 day preorder window. As many people can buy it as they want and pressing numbers are determined that way. No huge up front cost for artists. Yes, it would eat into profit per unit, but I think he would overall sell more. And if you sleep on it, then that's your fault because it was up for order for 30 days. Still keeps it limited for fans.
Still can’t believe R.A.P. Ferreira’s Purple Moonlight Pages is USD$77 (before shipping) 🥺

I really want it because it’s my favourite hip-hop album of 2020, along with Denzel Curry x Kenny Beats’ UNLOCKED! 😩

But, far out! I’m gonna need a sugar daddy if I’m going to want to spend USD$102 for a new release record, that’s just a standard black variant! 😭😭😭
Still can’t believe R.A.P. Ferreira’s Purple Moonlight Pages is USD$77 (before shipping) 🥺

I really want it because it’s my favourite hip-hop album of 2020, along with Denzel Curry x Kenny Beats’ UNLOCKED! 😩

But, far out! I’m gonna need a sugar daddy if I’m going to want to spend USD$102 for a new release record, that’s just a standard black variant! 😭😭😭
And he pretty much has said that is the price because A) flippers are making money off his releases so he wants a cut of it and B) he's trying to buy a house. I like him and love the album. But it's a shit way to treat your fans IMO. He's essentially saying I'm pricing it this way because you suckers will pay that much for it. You have people on reddit saying the price is fair because it's about the same price as if you went to a Milo show, paid $30 for an LP, $20 for a ticket and then bought a bunch of drinks at the show.
And he pretty much has said that is the price because A) flippers are making money off his releases so he wants a cut of it and B) he's trying to buy a house. I like him and love the album. But it's a shit way to treat your fans IMO. He's essentially saying I'm pricing it this way because you suckers will pay that much for it. You have people on reddit saying the price is fair because it's about the same price as if you went to a Milo show, paid $30 for an LP, $20 for a ticket and then bought a bunch of drinks at the show.
He should of sold Purple Moonlight Pages for like USD$40, but do a pressing limited to 5,000 copies, not 1,500 copies! Of course there’s going to be flippers if you limit the pressing number...it’s not like Milo has limited edition colour variants of his albums in general! 😒

Seriously though, repress and do a 3,000 copy run of So The Flies Don’t Come, and do a bigger batch pressing of Purple Moonlight Pages. USD$40 isn’t cheap but it’s OK still in my opinion. Tom Misch & Yusef Dayes was that price! USD$77 though...like c’mon! That’s ridiculous! 😵

It is a shit way to treat your fans. It’s like you’re only supporting the rich fans, and neglecting other fans that couldn’t afford something so overpriced like that! 😔
Capitalism sucks. Artists not getting paid what their records are worth sucks. Flippers control the market. Bots control the market. The market sets the prices.

It's no different than real estate except you can replace flippers and bots with developers and landlords.

I don't blame the artist for getting whatever they can get for their product. It is a product in this system. It sucks for the people that can't play that game. It sucks for the average fan, but I don't see why the artists owes anyone a lower price more than the person flipping organic tomatoes at the farmers market. They get what they can get for their product in this system.

In this case at least it's streamable.

I don't think it was any better when the industry supressed prices for physical music media (particularly for black artists). Better for the consumer maybe but not the artist.

It all makes this hobby less fun and less interesting.
And he pretty much has said that is the price because A) flippers are making money off his releases so he wants a cut of it and B) he's trying to buy a house. I like him and love the album. But it's a shit way to treat your fans IMO.
5 tours cancelled this year, record store is closed, no job to bring in a secondary paycheck (looking at you fire captain KA) and you can still stream this thing. Once again, I don't like the pricing structure but why is it bad that he wants to better his situation for his family and he's unable to do so with the world the way it is right now? I've gotten a paycheck through this entire COVID fiasco (and I'm incredibly grateful) but not everyone has been that lucky. I would have been going to a show, buying drinks and smoke and then some merch anyways if not for that so what is the difference here? I'm really curious.

He should of sold Purple Moonlight Pages for like USD$40, but do a pressing limited to 5,000 copies, not 1,500 copies! Of course there’s going to be flippers if you limit the pressing number...it’s not like Milo has limited edition colour variants of his albums in general! 😒

Seriously though, repress and do a 3,000 copy run of So The Flies Don’t Come, and do a bigger batch pressing of Purple Moonlight Pages. USD$40 isn’t cheap but it’s OK still in my opinion. Tom Misch & Yusef Dayes was that price! USD$77 though...like c’mon! That’s ridiculous! 😵

It is a shit way to treat your fans. It’s like you’re only supporting the rich fans, and neglecting other fans that couldn’t afford something so overpriced like that! 😔
How about you do what @dhodo suggested earlier and take out a personal loan to help him front the cost of a larger pressing while still attempting to make the profit he wants to, along with figuring out a way for him to hire a team to ship these out during COVID safely without endangering others.
He should of sold Purple Moonlight Pages for like USD$40, but do a pressing limited to 5,000 copies, not 1,500 copies! Of course there’s going to be flippers if you limit the pressing number...it’s not like Milo has limited edition colour variants of his albums 😒

Seriously though, repress and do a 3,000 copy run of So The Flies Don’t Come, and do a bigger batch pressing of Purple Moonlight Pages. USD$40 isn’t cheap but it’s OK still in my opinion. Tom Misch & Yusef Dayes was that price! USD$77 though...like c’mon! That’s ridiculous! 😵

It is a shit way to treat your fans. It’s like you’re only supporting the rich fans, and neglecting other fans that couldn’t afford something so overpriced like that! 😔
I mean, I get him not having the cash to pony up for a press of 5000, but he could promise a repress when he has time. He could have also done a special edition and sold 200 of those for $100 or whatever. @MikeH made a good point with Qrates. Even easier, get a loan directly from the fans, basically.

Justifying it in any way by resell prices just makes people look stupid. I don't get how they don't understand that all it means when resell prices spike is that you didn't make enough. Rory has it so backwards. They aren't taking money out of his pocket by reselling. He is putting money in their pockets by not pressing more.
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How about you do what @dhodo suggested earlier and take out a personal loan to help him front the cost of a larger pressing while still attempting to make the profit he wants to, along with figuring out a way for him to hire a team to ship these out during COVID safely

For real though!? Is there something like this happening, to ensure a larger pressing of Purple Moonlight Pages occurs?
5 tours cancelled this year, record store is closed, no job to bring in a secondary paycheck (looking at you fire captain KA) and you can still stream this thing. Once again, I don't like the pricing structure but why is it bad that he wants to better his situation for his family and he's unable to do so with the world the way it is right now? I've gotten a paycheck through this entire COVID fiasco (and I'm incredibly grateful) but not everyone has been that lucky. I would have been going to a show, buying drinks and smoke and then some merch anyways if not for that so what is the difference here? I'm really curious.

How about you do what @dhodo suggested earlier and take out a personal loan to help him front the cost of a larger pressing while still attempting to make the profit he wants to, along with figuring out a way for him to hire a team to ship these out during COVID safely without endangering others.
I'm not worried about the shipping or the timeline. I'm not mad at him for wanting more money. I just hate the rationalizing based on resellers. I get that loans aren't simple and I probably shouldn't have said that, but I think he is leaving money on the table by not basically printing money just by pressing his back catalog and I think he seems too caught up in worrying about resale prices to realize that. I think he could find a way to do it at a happy medium between $20 and $77 and make more fans happy and make more money.

Love the dude and love his art so I bought one but I'm not happy about his justifications and that means something too. If he hadn't said anything or just said he needs the money in light of the awful situation we're all in, I would be happier about it. But, this obsession hip hop artists are getting into with resell prices is a cancer on the hobby of collecting vinyl.
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