Hip Hop

Ima just say that Tank is the best female rapper out there and she aint even tryin. @Lee Newman I think you'd agree?

Holy shit. This is so dope.. I have to order this.

How did I miss this???

I wonder whatever happened to that Quasimoto x Melvin Van Peebles album that was supposed to happen? I guess it's probably on the shelf next to the Ghostface x Doom album somewhere

Pretty sure that's the Helicoentrics records you're talking about, no?
Here's a little known (at least at one point) fact - they were originally signed by Eazy E to Ruthless as the Atbann Klan.

I know nothing about them really so that is interesting.

found this

its so cheap lol guess no one collections BEP shit
Holy shit. This is so dope.. I have to order this.

How did I miss this???

Pretty sure that's the Helicoentrics records you're talking about, no?
So good to hear someone who isn't super familiar with them think they are making dope music...I was so nervous for this second album after they signed to a major label, but ultimately I think they are on the right track. I never would have imagined we would see Tank & The Bangas goin in on Zaytoven beats, or Mark Batson & Jack Splash production...They are in the big leagues now, and they are holding their own. I pray that they see major success, cause they deserve it. Not many groups like them who are instrument based yet still embedded in the hip-hop/R&B world. Only other group I could think of is The Roots, but really they are on a whole other wave.


Dreamworld just went live!
speaking of Black Eyed Peas.. I went and saw GZA at the Echoplex here in LA and I guess Will.I.Am was in the crowd so Gza called him up on stage to freestyle. It was surprisingly decent.

Taboo was a regular at a Starbucks where I worked some years ago. Friendly guy. Anyway, one time I was on a second or third date with a lady and as we are walking I hear "Hey Derek! Good to see you!" and look up and Taboo is walking by me with his fist out so I say hey back and proceed with bumping of fists. I keep walking and my date asked me who that was and I just casually said "Oh that's Taboo. He's in the Black Eyed Peas" without explaining how he knows me and she just looked really confused like I had some secret life. Sadly for her I'm boring.

anyway that's that. thanks for reading.