Hip Hop

Plus Aussie rap is some of the only commonwealth raps I can stand. Hilltop Hoods, Trey (the song she did with Pumpkinhead was really dope) and Briggs. This is my jawn.

FWIW, that's the best Saba song I've heard yet... I don't think he's bad per se.. same with Chance.. just ... boring?

I'd be curious what you'd think of Home Brew. They're from NZ. Problem is tracking down their masterpiece (selftitled, 2012) is a bitch. Despite it somehow charting #1 there.

But also, boring is the last thing I'd call Chance. It's like with Kayne... I'm that weirdo that thinks My Dark Twisted is extremely hit or miss. That Yeezus borders on brilliant but that the idiosyncrasies of the beats highlight his flaws as a rapper. And yet, I would never call his output boring (just usually not for me). And then Life of Pablo dropped and I was blown away (1000% to the person who said Chance turns Ultralight Beam into one of his best songs).
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The price is set on "Name your price" if you wanna grab the flacs of the EPs ect.

ever since he showed me homebrew its now on my hit list.. very very good. @DownIsTheNewUp
Is that a lot of mods? I really have no idear.. I mean the shit mostly mods itself but it's good to have people on different time zones so someone can always keep an eye on it.

I would go with Operation Doomsday and then Madvillainy. Or if you really wanna go back, start here:

Early Doom is the best in my opinion. Nitty Gritty Remix is still my jam
This dude just TKO'D Anthony Joshua in the 7th for the Heavyweight crown. Massive underdog - clearly has granite hands. I'm guessing WGs just saying he identifies with the underdog and hits hard... which is true
I'm not at all a boxing fan but yeah that story hit my radar this morning. I didn't read Gunn's post in that context but now that you explain it I get where he's coming from