Active Member
That wasn't the worst thing I've ever heard but nothing about that song interests me. It's perfectly mehdiocre.. and speaks volumes if that's supposed to show how good Mac could be.
Maaaannnnn Uh uh I can’t let this one go. Mac Miller is far from the best white rapper. Eminem is a better rapper, Jon Wayne is a better Rapper, 3rd Bass were better rappers, Beastie Boys of course, and I bet you I can find unsigned white rappers that are better. I listened to most of his catalog after he passed, and while you get glimpses of greatness it’s never consistent on any one album. That’s just my opinion and you are certainly entitled to yours. That’s what’s great about music....What appeals to your ear might sound different than mine. I doubt many people share my opinion that The Monkees are better than The Beatles