I don't really know how to break it down further except that Beggars sounds like a Stones' version of Blonde. Maybe it's the harmonica? The country-folksy sounds? I dunno. Part of it may be how I've been approaching my record collection/music-learnin': more or less chronologically. So I heard Blonde on Blonde for the first time a couple of months ago, then a couple of weeks later, I heard Beggars. And I was like, "well, that's similar. But worse. And I don't like Blonde on Blonde, so this is like, even more terrible. And I know that the Beach Boys, Beatles, and Stones were all influencing each other and being influenced by Dylan, but this seems excessive." (BTW, this is the Hot Take Thread, so I'm feeling a little bit more at liberty to be, like, rude about stuff, as some of the takes earlier in the thread were even more anti-Dylan/Beatles/Stones/etc. And if you need an explanation of my anti-Blonde on Blonde thing...I dunno. I don't like Dylan's voice, I don't like the harmonica, I don't like the vibe, you name it, I probably hate it. I do own Highway 61 though, and I quite like it.)
I was telling my brother the other day that in general I hate the freaking Rolling Stones....except they have like 3 of the best songs ever made.